It seems there are many Barbeloids who are currently suffering from stress and stress related issues, such as anxiety, depression and insomnia. Perhaps we can pool together an entire thread on tried and true, Barbe-tested methods of getting out of a slump, at least temporarily out of one.
Some of my effective stress relief is done by self-massage and stretching. The self massage is actually more effectual than it may sound, although having another person massage me works reeeally well also. If I am obsessing too much over something, I like to clean. Especially if what I am cleaning is particularly dirty. I visualise while I clean the dirt off that I am wiping away my obsession. (One may be inclined to believe my home to be immaculate!)
Something that I think would relieve a lot of stress for me, but I haven't quite got the hang of is good time managment. Maybe someone has tips on that. *nudge, nudge* 
Oh yes, Barbe-huggles, always an excellent stressbuster!
Just a small note here: This thread in no way replaces professional help. If you are in need of professional help, please do seek it out. The advice and tips in this thread are for temporary relief only. |