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Kill Bill 1

00:04 / 22.02.04
Postmodern showing off or Work of genius? I would say the last.

I was totally astonished by the visual impact the film had on me, Tarantino uses Anime, CG and master cutting techniques to create what I think is the most beautiful film in years, regardless of story. And his way of making weaponry and violence into works of art is wonderful.

Besides, Uma Thurman kicks ass, and Katanas are cool.
00:34 / 22.02.04
There's a thread already here, but in response to your question, unquestionably a work of genius. It may sound like hyperbole, but after seeing this film in the theater again yesterday, it's one of my top 10 favorite movies all time. With every viewing, something new hits me, and I love the flick even more.
07:13 / 24.02.04
Actually have to disagree with both of you and say a postmodern showing off and a work of genius. I know that's a bull shit answer and I'm so sitting on the fence, but Quentin is definitely showing-off (when is he not) but he's also showing considerable amount of intelligence in how he executes this story.
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