BARBELITH underground

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Confession time!

Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
21:16 / 20.02.04
I’ve done my fair share of drinking in my time and have acted like a wanker on many occasions, still want to be part of this community, I am learning the meaning of respect.
Maybe you haven’t noticed/don’t care. Just humour me and anyone else who wants to exorcise the old Christian guilt trip.
Alex's Grandma
15:51 / 21.02.04
Well I'm trying to write a book about this, in which the narrator refers to himself, quite early on, as " a murderous, drugged-out vampire lunatic, " so I guess I'll just spare you. I mean it works in context, I think... it's, er, meant to be funny...
luke hugh
15:11 / 22.02.04
i watch too much tv .(sob) I`m sorry I just do
02:31 / 23.02.04
I'm spending too much time on the internet at the moment instead of being creative and facing my pretty messed up life.

God's and Goddesses are angry at me but i'm also angry at them........i'm not a nice person at the moment.
02:41 / 23.02.04
I'm not trying as hard as I know I should in order to make the most(or even something) out of this part of my life.
gotham island fae
15:26 / 23.02.04
I stole my dad's Playboy centerfolds (mid 60's - early 70's classic, staple-holes and everything) when I was young. In a fit of 'masturbation and porn are BAAAD' guilt, I threw them away. ALL of them, effectively rendering his collection completely useless.

I don't know if he's ever gone back up into the garage storage to check on them. I live in fear of the day he does. Though, knowing my dad, I wouldn't hear a single word about it...
15:56 / 23.02.04
Wow! You people are EVIL!

Um... So, I'm judgemental. Also, I'm a "spelling nazi" (so I'm told) and I hate your freedom (so I'm told).
Spyder Todd 2008
18:13 / 23.02.04
I haven't spent enough time on Barbelith in the last 6 months.
Nobody's girl
22:48 / 23.02.04
At 18 I grassed up my cousin for taking coke. I really hated her for having the cool loving family I wanted so I was being spiteful. Now she's a high-flying civil servant for the Home Office. I think I prefered her as a cokehead.
00:22 / 24.02.04
When I was ickle, I pulled all the legs off a daddy-long-legs. That was horrible and evil.

We had a teacher, Miss Clement, for lifeskills/ PSE/ whatever the fuck you call it when they're teaching you (at age 15/16) what a penis is, when half the class are saying 'I've got one' and the other half are thinking 'I've had one in me'. Anyway. We did take more than slight joy at gently harrassing Mrs Clement, for the simple reason that she could not control us at all, and nearly burst into tears most lessons. We weren't terrible- worst thing anyone did was make an overhead projector melt itself, but what we did do was push her out of her limits.

She died not long after.
The cause is debatable.
08:05 / 24.02.04

We bombarded our Art teacher, Mrs Shepherd with Smarties until she locked herself in the cupboard, refused to come out, and then left the teaching profession due to having a nervous breakdown.

The cause is not debatable, the cause was obviously an irrational fear of Smarties.
08:27 / 24.02.04
(Pretending to care for someone more than I did)
I kept trying to run away from the bouncy 19 year old. He was vaguely cute, but kept making these "aww" sort of noises at me as if I was some kind of fluffy rabbit. I should have told him I was not interested and found him somehow repellent, as opposed to just attempting to vanish.
08:41 / 24.02.04
Hmm. I remember a mate of mine throwing a packet of sweets (still in the packet - one of those big family bags, not the tubes) at the old lady who worked in the 7-11 that we used to hang around outside, as disreputable yoof. Actually, I'm not that guilty about that, it was f**ing hilarous. Boy, she was cross. That was followed by a quick bout of vandalising buses, probably. Ah, halcyon days. Whenever I see gangs of teenagers on buses setting fire to each to each others heads and sniffing deodorant, I think of them as my karma.

Stuff I actually feel guilty about - acting like a tremendously colossal wanker to my dad.
12:00 / 24.02.04
In my early twenties, I was asked on a date to the Carribean for the long weekend. I had only known the man for about an hour and yet, being young and impulsive, I accepted.
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