I haven't seen any of them (honest) but I did read an article in a fanzine called "Sheer Filth" a while ago about the films La Ciccolnia (sp?) - you know the one, Italian MP, married to Jeff Koons etc - and some of the film she had made with a certain producer. They sounded a lot more interesting and creative than yer average wankathon, playing around with SM themes and and lots of creative sets and imagery - thousands of feathers being blown all over silk sheets at the erm, "high point", being one bit I remember. The guy who wrote the article had crossed over to Amsterdam to see them.
I saw a couple of great films at the Scala many moons ago with porn elements in them - one was George Kuchar's "Thundercrack" the other was "Cafe Flesh" - both really bizarre and quirky. "Thudercrack" is a weirdo haunted house style comedy (that so doesn't do it justice), Cafe Flesh is set in a post-apocalytic future where radiation posioning means only 1% of the population can have sex, and they have to perform for the others. I wasn't aware the latter had porn in it until they started going at it full frontal, quite a surprise when you see it on the big screen, let me tell you.
I'm sure there are a few more creative examples out there, esp. with the boom in porn in the last couple of 10 years or so. As to why "the industry" produces such cliched crap, well, it's that word, isn't it - when you industralise anything, individuality and creativity starts to get washed out (and no, I'm not trying to start a high/low culture debate here before Fly and all the pop kids jump on me), and when it's something as potentially crude as mastubatory stimuli, I'm not surprised that standards aren't that high. |