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Make your own kung-fu in 734 easy steps!

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:08 / 16.02.04
So I'm at work the other day, and I have kung-fu on the brain. Blame Iron Monkey, which I had just recently bought for my brother (I had to watch it to make sure I wanted to give it to him or keep it for myself). Then I get this crazy idea and it won't leave. Which is fine by me, really. It's better than thinking about working, something I try to avoid at all costs. The big idea comes to me on my break. I'm smoking a joint and my mind is wandering aimlessly, unobserved by my consciousness. Eventually it returns with this idea like a cat with a dead mouse in it's mouth, all proud and shit.

I know many kung-fu styles mimic the movement of animals, and I wouldn't be surprised if some weren't made by mirroring the movements one uses everyday to farm or to clean or whatever. I figure, hey, why couldn't a style of kung-fu be based on what I do everyday for a living?

I know what you're thinking. "Johnny, you work at a chinese restaraunt. You don't even serve! You bus goddam tables! Sure you're repeating a series of movements to the point that they are refined to perfection, but I doubt they could become to a style of combat very easily." Ha! First of all, I bus tables because I can't deal with customers anymore. I'll slap someone, I swear to god. And second, I'm sure the poetic grace of the crane isn't very combat oriented either, and I've seen people get the snot kicked out of them by old men using crane style kung-fu. So maybe it won't be easy, but I'll bet it can be done. I think the trick is this: that you move and act with purity. A little hammy, I know. But I've seen people fight plenty of times, and it's easy to spot the ones without training. They're panicky, their movements are uncoordinated, and it just looks like they've got no idea what they've gotten themselves into. When I'm busing tables, I'm not thinking. Just acting. That's what I mean by "purity", my movement at work is unencumbered by thought. It's great. That's what's important. I bet if I could design a style of kung-fu based on the way I move at work, I could lock myself into the mindset I use at work, and hey presto, I'm using kung-fu properly.

The only problem is I have absolutely no training in kung-fu whatsoever, and only the slightest introduction to martial arts in general. I've done plenty of reading on the subject, but that just leaves me with ideas I can't really act on yet, so I can't test them, which means that maybe this big idea I had is really just shit-in-a-can. I need feedback from the kung-fu crowd (I know you're out there!). If it holds water, I'll give it a shot. I need some more physical activity in my life anyway and designing my own style of kung-fu sounds like a hoot.
18:21 / 16.02.04
Only if after I help you you help me with mine. I click mouses and lift coffee cups to my mouth 8 hours a day. Do you think it have legs?
18:34 / 16.02.04
That sounds pretty fucking neat! Dunno about actually being able to apply it, but hey, didn't the masters retreat into the mountains for Wudang Kung-Fu?

They did it by themselves, maybe you can too, but i don't know how graceful you'd be if you ended up in a fight with someone who'd been trained in a dojo........fuck it, try it!
18:36 / 16.02.04
Well, I'd think you'd first have to know what being centered feels like, and then work on movements in bussing tables that cultivated and maintained that feeling.
Also, technically, anything can be made into a "kung fu" -- the words literally just mean "good mastery". So a chef who's superior at cooking has cooking kung fu. Are you as good as you can be?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
00:20 / 17.02.04
Excellent point, grant. I have, as of late, been dedicating myself to the perfection of busing tables while at work. It keeps me from being bored silly. I try to maintain a sort of awarness in every action I perform.
Jack Denfeld
01:25 / 17.02.04
And second, I'm sure the poetic grace of the crane isn't very combat oriented either, and I've seen people get the snot kicked out of them by old men using crane style kung-fu.

In the movies, right? Have you really seen an old man beat up some young hooligan using crane style in real life, and not some kind of kung-fu festival demo?
07:38 / 17.02.04
My kung fu brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like "It's better than yours." Damn right it's better than yours!

(i could teach you, but i'd have to charge)
08:22 / 17.02.04
Following on from Mike's point above, I read a post on a martial arts message board about someone pulling "White Crane" on a copper after a domestic violence situation. Apparently this bloke was stood there on one leg with his hands raised making threating noises, looking very sinster and oriental. Then he was punched, rugby tackled to the ground and cuffed in about 5 seconds flat. So I dunno how effective it is.

I've been taught a move called "White crane spreads it's wings" and it's one of the one's my instuctor doesn't like, but we're keeping it in for the sake of traditon - it's very weak postural, as like the posture above, you have both arms raised and and most of the weight is on one leg. Not a strong posture. Having said that, thee may be a little man in the mountains of China whose bloody lethal with it. The thing with martial arts is, if you've got a good instuctor you'll be learning little internal muscle movements, all kinds of subtle things that you wouldn't notice otherwise that add to your movements - this applies to simple things such as walking or standing as much as anything else - if you applied these to busing tables, you might bus twice as many tables in half the time. Starting off with paying a bit of attention is okay but Ireckon you need an instuctor really.

*Wacky comic voice*

"Maybe you could really learn to *serve* someone their ass though!!!"

End wacky comic voice as comic is dragged into an alley and shot for Crimes against Humour
08:26 / 17.02.04
Actually thats the plot for the Karate Kid isn't it? Even he needed a wise old man. Get a Wise Old Man, dude, they're part of the fun. The best bit is when they jump through the air above your head.
08:40 / 17.02.04
And while I'm at it - does anyone know of any good martial arts forums out there. Specifically, I'd like to find something high quality focusing on Internal Martial Arts. Any ideas?
14:14 / 17.02.04
The site Mr. Tricks helped set up, forums, has some really right-on people hanging around.
Mr Tricks
17:58 / 17.02.04
Thanks for the plug grant....

I'd also suggest reading the variety of e-Zine artiales the site offers... many of which could prove useful (some of them are even animated... by ME!!!)

And for inspiration...

food delivery Kung Fu

if you can find it... the Magnificant Butcher & Drednaught

But on a slightly more serious note:
grant's correct when he says you can prettymuch have good Kung Fu in anything... this doesn't nesesarily mean you can fight with your table bussing Kung Fu. However it may mean you would be a superior Table Busser than someone who doesn't have table bussing Kung Fu.

As for White Crane, or snake or DUCK kung fu...
It's a popular misconception to believe that it literally means you learn to fight like that animal (how does a dragon fight?). It's much more of a training method that focuses on a particular charactoristic as exemplified by that Animal. In the case of Crane one can examine it's graceful "soft" movements and Balance, translating it to graceful arm movements (valuable in a fight) and balance.

Tiger style would focus of fearce aggression.

Snake would focus on speed and accuracy of strikes.

Eagle would focus on strength and precision of grip.

Monkey would focus on agility and flexibility of stance.

There are whole fighting systems devoted to certain animals: Monkey Fist & Eagle Claw

While there are fighting systems that are dedicated to a whole collection of animals: Bagua studies 12 animals

And then there are fighting styles that include animals with-in their system, like Shaolin's 5 animals (Tiger, Snake, Crane, Dragon & Leopard).

Other arts also include weapon sets made of common items:
Choy Lay Fut would teach you how to fight with a rake, length of rope, or bench (saw horse).
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
20:32 / 17.02.04
"Have you really seen an old man beat up some young hooligan using crane style in real life, and not some kind of kung-fu festival demo?'

Yes. I'm from Detroit, man. I see all kinds of shit.
Mr Tricks
22:33 / 17.02.04
well... I've seen a not so old man pull a truck with his cock!!!

does that count?
10:33 / 18.02.04
This link demosrates teh deadliness of the White Crane style:
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