OK: it is possible to get online with a modded xbox if you have a switch for the modchip, so you can turn it off before you go online. If you don't, not only do you get chucked off, but your account gets knackered too. That said, MS are getting better at tracing switched-off modchips.
Headset makes a big difference, imho; it's a bit more friendly, more personable, and there's always a degree of organisation even in free-for-alls. Midtown Madness, incidentally, is REALLY good fun on Live, if a little daft.
Yes, an upgraded hard disk counts as modded, because you need to reformat and reimage it, and the bios can only see 8gig as nedrichards says. Also, the only reason to upgrade is to copy emulators and games to the HD.
Pandora Tomorrow (Splinter Cell 2) is superb online; like nothing else. It also has a HARD learning curve, worth finding a friend to learn with. Once you suss it, it's great.
As regards yelling "Boo" at people: you usually can't, simply because you generally talk only to people on your team. FFA stuff is a bit sucky online; teamplay is where it's at. That said, in Pandora Tomorrow, once you have someone in a neck hold, you can hold white to whisper in their ear. And then snap their neck. Ahehe. |