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What is this and should I break it open?


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16:22 / 14.02.04

I know it's an ampule, but what do you think is in it? It could be perfume but it's a bit too yellow for that.

To open or not to open?
Bill Posters
16:26 / 14.02.04
looks like a stink bomb.
16:27 / 14.02.04
little jar of red x? weird shit. who'd leave a vial of red x in the street?
16:31 / 14.02.04
HAHA that's a fucking stink bomb if i ever saw one i'm sure of it. DON'T OPEN IT INSIDE.

Go outside, preferably twenty feet from your house/flat whatever and break it open, smell the pong.

Really funny if you could get on a bus with it though, i'll never forget that one.............
Pants Payroll
16:36 / 14.02.04
Opening it may not help you identify it. If you open it and it doesnt smell like perfume, then what? Youve got mystery liquid on your hands, both literally and figuratively speaking.
16:42 / 14.02.04
It's a poo bomb of perfume, open it and post! The suspense is annoying now............
Saint Keggers
17:23 / 14.02.04
Anthrax(not the group)....share and enjoy!
18:52 / 14.02.04
What the hell was it then!?!
18:57 / 14.02.04
I suppose I may be the coward of Barbelith, but I wouldn't open it at all. I mean, my understanding of an ampule is that it's sealed so that what's inside doesn't get out. Not to mention that it looks rather nasty.
19:50 / 14.02.04
Well if it's a stinkbomb, capsule or whatever, that would be a perfect reason for making sure that nothing got out, but anyhoo i'm worried now because there's been no reply!
20:42 / 14.02.04
It's alright, I'm not dead. I feel a bit like Mazarine and am scared to open it at the moment...

I mean, it could be anything. It could be Cyanide and it could get on my fingers and then what if I accidentally licked them and died (only isn't that colourless)? Or it could be some awful disease which releases itself by, I don't know.
20:44 / 14.02.04
Why will myself not let myself just put it in the bin?

*Leans towards bin...nearly drops it in...pulls back at the last minute for closer examination.*
Bed Head
20:53 / 14.02.04
Whether it’s a stink bomb or perfume, I think your best bet is to throw it at someone. If it’s a stink bomb you get a wicked laugh at their expense, and if it’s perfume you’ve done a nice favour for a stranger. Unless they turn out to be allergic to perfume, that is.
20:59 / 14.02.04
But what if it's poison and I kill them? They'd be permanently on my conscience.

And what if it's some kind of really good drug and I waste it by throwing it on them? Can you see the dilemma?
Bed Head
21:08 / 14.02.04
So what if you do? That’s why I said pick on a stranger. The rozzers will never trace it back to you.

And seriously, do you think there’s the slightest chance it’s some kind of really good drug? Again, that could fall into the category of doing someone a favour, especially if you pick a victim who looks like they could do with either getting out of their head/putting out of their misery, and I’m sure there are quite a few of *those* aimlessly wandering the streets, tonight of all nights.
21:19 / 14.02.04
Look! Stink bombs

Looks like exactly the same thing.
22:16 / 14.02.04
Lots of perscription meds come in ampules. It might be someone's insulin. Or it could be opium, in which case, do you really want it lying round the house, opened or unopened?

That, and if you open it and can't determine what's inside then, you'll be paranoid for weeks, (at least, I would be,) and in order to ask someone, you'll then have to admit you opened it, which could get ugly.

But I am the Barbelither with the least apparent sense of adventure. I just don't wnat anything bad to happen to olulabelle. She's nice and charming and intelligent and we don't want her poisoned to sate our curiousity, do we?
23:02 / 14.02.04
No we don't your right. Bin it!
23:27 / 14.02.04
In someone elses bin. Far away. If it is a sinkbomb, and it bursts open in your kitchen bin... you may regret it. Put it in MacDonald's bin.
Spatula Clarke
00:50 / 15.02.04
Stick it in your mouth. Crunch.

Either way, problem solved.

(Disclaimer: don't really stick it in your mouth.)
04:12 / 15.02.04
I think Jack Frost is right and it is a stink bomb. I suggest you use it as you would use a stink bomb.

09:18 / 15.02.04
Put it in MacDonald's bin.

YES! No, correction, break it in a MacDonalds bin.

In fact, why have I never thought have doing that to McDonalds before? Where I live they have a McDonalds flag hanging alongside a British flag over the top of the building. Makes me mad as hell.
09:44 / 15.02.04
Reminds me of when a flatmate of mine turned up one night with a wrap he'd found on the pavement. In a puddle. We dried it out with a hairdyer; snorted it, with a sense of danger, risk...

It turned out to be fairly shit speed.
rizla mission
10:55 / 15.02.04
12:40 / 15.02.04
stoatie, that's REALLY gross.

olulabelle, I wouldn't take any chances. they're right, if the curiosity is killing you, take it somewhere where you're fairly sure no one and nothing could be harmed by it and smash it open on the ground or in a bin. that's MY half a cent

and whatever you do, let us know!
Bill Posters
13:38 / 15.02.04
Stoatie, you're a lovely guy, don't get me wrong, but that was soooo a low-down, dirty, junkie thing to do!
13:54 / 15.02.04
Or olulabelle could shell out the .99 pound for something that's definitely a stink bomb from the site Jack Frost referenced, wrap the maybe stink-bomb in a few paper towels and put it in a zip-lock bag, and toss it in a non-public bin so she doesn't get accused of trying to poison McDonald's customers or being a terrorist, and then play with definitely stink bombs to her heart's content.

If she wants a stink bomb, that is.
Char Aina
16:43 / 15.02.04
imagine if at lunchtime all over britain, a coordinated team of stink bombers lost their stink bombs down the back of a mcdonalds radiator.
i would think something like that, as terible as it would be, would surely raise a laugh in certain circles.
some people can be so nasty, especially to these allegedly abusive multinational corprate entities, cant they?
i wonder if anyone will send PMs to anyone about that kind of coordinated discord on this board. surely not?

it would be especially terrible if they were to send them to me, and if they were to expand on my already frightening thoughts. goodness, even friendly old starbucks might not be safe!
18:02 / 15.02.04
Jack Frost and Aus win.

It was a stink bomb. But isn't that weird? It's been on my kitchen window for months, perplexing me, and all the time it was just a comedy joke item.

We trod on it in the garden.

However, had I known of a plan involving losing it down the back of a radiator of a multinational corporation, I most certainly would have contributed.
19:09 / 15.02.04
Woooo! Mystery over at last!!!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:11 / 16.02.04
Phew, sarin alert over!!

And Stoatie - I'd have been there with you, rolled up fiver in hand when it came to the scummy wrap. It's not desperation, it's the sense of adventure that makes you wanna do it. Hats off - most people wouldn't snort the mystery wrap, not through any kind of high standards, but through sheer FEAR !!!!!!!
No star here laces
08:02 / 16.02.04
Fuck, whenever I used to go into london bars I'd scrape up all the dregs of white powder on top of the toilet cistern into a line and do that. Mind you, there's not much mystery about what stuff that was...

Worst low-down junkie thing is when you drop your wrap in the loo whilst inebriated, then fish it out, take it home and dry it out.

I'm not the only one, right guys? Guys?
08:13 / 16.02.04
My lips are sealed.

Although I will add, while (almost) on the subject of shitty ways to get a buzz... don't drink aftershave. Not even if you're really drunk and it's the only alcohol in the house. Not even if you have industrial-strength toothpaste. Man, that scent has a STRONG taste. 72 hours it stayed in my... er... friend's mouth. Three fucking days.
Coda- if you choose to ignore this advice, then whatever you do, if you're being sick into the bath, remember to move your head out of the way BEFORE you try to clean it with the shower attachment- your reactions are slower than you think.
No star here laces
02:44 / 17.02.04
Haha. Me and a friend tried that with a cheap german scent. Covonia cough syrup gets rid of the taste (and also eliminates the aftershave from your digestive system in a somewhat explosive style).
06:26 / 17.02.04
Based on my experiences, I advise that you DO NOT drink the cough syrup in the fridge because you've run out of all other kinds of liquor, but DO take the speed you found between the cushions of the couch backstage at the venue your band's playing at. Feel free to ignore my advice, however.

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