Does that mean that you can relate to Morvern's behaviour following her boyfriend's suicide? I ask because I think MC is an interesting depiction of loss/grief/seeming lack of emotion. Reminded me a bit of Camus' Outsider and, hey, is the sort of character I like/relate to... (or can at least imagine reacting/feeling like if in such a situation - though maybe not to such extremes)
However, what drew me to it was reading about the soundtrack for the film version (more or less my ideal mix-tape at that time) which updates the references a bit. Think I prefer the film overall, even though I spent a lot of my first viewing thinking "but that's not like in the book!". Similarly, prefered High Fidelity as a film for (starters) making the music better. Anyway, this isn't a film/music/adaptation thread...
But if the question's have I've ever read a book uncomfortably like my own life, then, er, no. But shared music tastes and the like with fictional characters is always nice... |