Haha, this is fucking insana, totalia insana...........
Very gladly recieved advice, i love you all!
hmmmm i see a pattern here.......recurring requests to calm down, i'll take that advice. I think it was Gypsy Lantern who told me to do this the other day and i forgot it, now i'll do my best to remember it.
Can't help thinking that my bonfires been peed on but hey, that's life. And the question is : is this my bonfire or the bonfire of Jack Frost?
No-Girl i am very much better after reading your message, however i completely ingnored the part that said :
Still looking for your cell? You'll never find it.

Your advice on letting love flow is invaluable though, thankyou very much, i feel warm and fuzzy now, and erm.......slightly gay for just saying warm and fuzzy. (calls out geburah seraphim, and brigit of flames. (joke.))
LVX23 very happy to see what you wrote, it's maybe because i love the world of fantasy so much that i like this thread, and my confidence hasn't been damaged at all i'm happy to report, so yay!
Maybe i have such a great need to want to inspire people, i don't know. I'm dying to carry on with my story but i've a lot to learn about magic and i want a hypersigil, big, big, leviathon hyper sigil, and judging by my recent actions i'm gonna have a lot to learn before i do that, and should maybe tone my ideas right down. (for now anyway.)
Mordant Carnival, don't feel like a party pooper, your words are of wisdom. Good advice, cheers mate. 
Finally :
I once was a king in a far away land . Those that decry you do so from the top of their babal towers and seek to tell you what the Tao is.
I once was OZYMANDIUS KING OF KINGS , my works gazed apon in dispair.
I want to see this in glorious detail! Your onto something here, please tell me! Short story, paragraph, anything, but please, don't let that myth die. (and will remember that the tao that can be spoken is not eternal tao.)
I'm not going to apologise for this anyway, i don't like sorrysorrysorry bastards, it gets tiring after a while, let this thread be eternal, and in the name of fictionsuits, love and airborne heiroglyphs!!!
now, back to meme's.........serene monk, must keep focused.......... |