Great post, cottonmouth. I cut my teeth on RAW and lsd. I heartily recommend that everyone read up on RAW, especially wrt "Reality Tunnels". Eon, you're on the right track: A reality tunnel is not a truth, it is an assumed belief system. Some get stuck in their tunnels, others evolve from one to the next, and some of us adopt different ones on a whim just to get some perspective. There are no truths and no lies.
My current Reality Tunnel: Moving between magick as a belief or metaprogram, and magick as a fundamental fact of Reality(tm). Currently I'm drifting towards the latter. Trying to be more devotional but also more disciplined in martial arts. Warrior Priest. Morality does not exist but kindness and compassion are critical. Trying to co-opt the wonderful media of information to subversive means. And trying to do all this while holding down a somewhat cushy corporate job. Assumption: It is possible to remain an individual, alternative, politically dissident, anarchic chaote, while working for The Man. Let him pay for me to blog and post and invoke. |