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Really Good Websites

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:32 / 05.02.04
I'd like to know any websites you lot think are fresh, funky and freaky.

Anything and everything, a list of really good sites. Flashturbation allowed.

13:08 / 05.02.04
Well, there's this site obviously, home of cartoons such as Badgers, and games such as Atomic Badger Racing.

And then we have the parody sites, such as this site, this site, and this site.

And then of course there's always the sublime Cat and Girl...
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
13:43 / 05.02.04
One of my all time favorites is Joel Veitch's Rather Good. It hasn't been updated in a while, I believe this could be because they have been working on the latest Quiznos adverts
14:12 / 05.02.04
Another parody site worth its bandwidth - The Chaser.

And, while I'm at it, Clueless_Joe's 'insite' column (and archive) on Holy Moly.
14:25 / 05.02.04
Everlasting Blort is pretty funny. Some good links. Some NWS.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:25 / 05.02.04
Aye, all worthy and notable.

Howzabout just good design/wicked layout that kind of thing?
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