Thats not insane...this is insane:
(based on my character from the starwars galaxies videogame)
I am the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
Im the biggest furball especially when au naturel...
I know ten ways to Anchorhead, all time-wise economical
From Degobah to Tatooine, in order to avoid Darth Maul;
Im very well aquainted, too, with matters all Shyriiwookian,
I understand the languages, both Bothan and Twi-lakian,
About the first three episodes, Im filled with a lot o'news
With all the fans who now think watching them is child abuse.
With all the fans who now think watching them is child abuse.
With all the fans who now think watching them is child abuse.
With all the fans who now think watching them is child abuse.
I'm very good at interstellar and hyperspatial calculus
I know the secret names of bases most rebellious
In short in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
I am the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
In short in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
He is the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
I know your planet's history, like Alderaan and Mr.Spock,
I always hate robotics, I've a pretty taste for fried Mynocks,
I roar like a maniac all the times im not quite fabulous,
In starships I can floor it and Cor-Sec cops can't handle us!
I can tell undoubted Rebels from Grand Admiral hypocrasies
I know the chocking force from the hands of great bureaucracies!
Then I can hunt down fools and things which others aint got the stomach for
And whistle all the time 'cause murder most infernal is not a chore!
And whistle all the time 'cause murder most infernal's not a chore!
And whistle all the time 'cause murder most infernal's not a chore!
And whistle all the time 'cause murder most infernal's not a chore!
Then I can slice a tauntaun in an attempt to keep you warm,
And tell you ev'ry detail of Darth Vader's fancy uniform.
In short in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
I am the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal.
In short in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
He is the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
In fact, when I know what is meant by "midiclorian " and "time-travellin'"
When I can tell at sight a mouse-bot from a garbage bin,
When such affairs as R2's and C3's im more wary at,
And when I know precisely where the Emperor is buried at.
When I have stole what progress has been made in madalorean amoury
When I know more trandoshian then you might as well join a nunnery
In short, 'cause I've been mastering the force and its energy
You'll bow before your betters or from my fingers taste electricity!
You'll bow before your betters or from his fingers taste electricity!
You'll bow before your betters or from his fingers taste electricity!
You'll bow before your betters or from his fingers taste electricity!
Of Warcries I have knowledge, so you'll cower when I go frenzy,
the largest of the Rancors I have brought down without ruinning all my fineries,
But still,in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
I am the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
But still,in matters criminal, rebellion and imperial
He is the hairy model of a walking wookie arsenal
I am the very model of a moderating barbelite... |