Okay, we've got the hate list of adverts that really get up our noses somewhere down there in the conversation list. Now how about those bad ads that you've decided would be much better if they ended in an alternative fashion. I'll give you my three examples:
1) The new coke ad
Smiling woman, walking and singing along the street handing out bottles of "full-fat" Coke. Personally I want at least one of those passer-bys to turn to her and start yelling and screaming that they're on a diet. Or better still that they are diabetic and she's a heartless cow.
2) One of the "healthy" yogurt drinks ad
Woman tries to get money back on the yogurt (and I still don't know whether there is a "h" in that word. Aw well someone will correct me) and being foilled by CCTV footage of her being, well silly. When asked if she can explain her actions on the screen (supposed proof that the drink has helped) why doesn't she admit to being pissed?
3) Old VW Polo ad
Precious princess type, whining at her boyfriend about her present. Being blindfolded and driven in a new car. Listing everything she wants a car to be (which the advertised car is, see they're clever these ad-men) then being disappointed that it's "only" a VW. Last line is from her boyfriend who tells her "the car isn't the surprise". Unfortunately it stops there, but I've always imagined that she reacts, takes in the deserted beach they've driven too, looks back and finds her boyfriend aiming a high-calibre machine gun at her over made-up face which he unloads in short, violent bursts having been whined at one too many times.
Okay maybe that last one is just me and I should seek perfessional help.
So anyone any ideas on how they would turn the tables of the ads that get up your nose? |