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Camp Delta .o0O!! Britains guantanamo bay !!O0o.

solid~liquid onwards
11:16 / 02.02.04
Couldnt find anything on swithboard about this so i thought i'd flag it up.

Remember how our lovely new anti terrorism laws allowed the government to indefinitely detain suspected terrorists. This basically means that there isnt enough evidence to try these foreign nationals in a court of law, so we'll abuse there human rights cos we dont like em.,1373,1106664,00.html

Thats a link to an article about Camp Delta in Milton Kenyes where were weve been holding 14 suspected terrorists, without charge, for 2 odd years now. Half of them are suposedly suffering from mental illness because of their confinement, several have attempted suicide, one dude has polio and another has no arms.

Today i heard on the radio that mr Blunkett wants to change the law so that less evidence is needed to find people guilty of terrorists

So i pose the question. Is it right that we can indefinitely detain people in high security prisons, with no evidence to prove them guilty because they are perceived as a threat to national security
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