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Exploding Whales!

Chubby P
10:10 / 30.01.04
Theres been another exploding Whale incident! This time caused by natural causes (not TNT) but in the middle of a Taiwanese city.

"A dead sperm whale has exploded while being delivered to a research centre near the southwestern city of Tainan.
Passers-by and cars were soaked in blood and body parts were sprayed over a road after the bursting of the whale, which was being carried on a trailer."

More details and a gruesome photo is in the link.
BBC Report on Exploding Whale

And in case anyone has missed the infamous "This whales too big to move! Lets blow it up into smaller pieces with TNT so the seagulls can eat the remains" incident from Oregan in 1970 then the video can be found below.

Whale blown to pieces(Various formats)
Whale blown to pieces(Quicktime video but slow to download)

Anyone got a link to a video of the Taiwanese one going off?
Boy in a Suitcase
11:30 / 30.01.04
Whale dreams! WHALE DREAMS!!!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:54 / 31.01.04
But where's the bowl of petunias?
23:05 / 02.02.04
I dont have a good enough connection to see videos, but I did see some kind of animal/travel reporter lady stand in on a post mortem of a manitee. She said "god, it looks tight as a drum! I bet if you were to piece it, it'd just explode!" Fucking stupid woman. The post mortemist people said "oh no no no, it'll be just fine" and proceeded to slice it at the throat. The heart jumped out about 5 foot in the air, and spirted blood and ooky stuff all over the shop.

In agreement- exploding sea mammals are rather amusing.
04:34 / 03.02.04
See, I thought it said "Exploding Wales", and I thought, "Blimey, those zany Al Quaida kids have really outdone themselves this time."
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