I just saw this movie last night and though tit was great. I too had the apprehensions of watching "Kelso" in a serious movie, but he was great. I agree too,wow did all the actors do a good job or waht. You could feel the negavtite vibe flowing off the screen during many scenes. I have some comments and /or questions about the end.
********SPOILERS BELOW************
After reflecting upon the movie for several hours now, I am tossed over whether "Evan" actually was just insane, and locked up, no books, or if he did all of the time-jumping, parallel reality creating he did.
I am starting to lean towards the "he is crazy" theory. When he makes that last reality shift by wathcing the old home movie, things just seemed a little too pat after that. His personal life resturned to what was almost essentially as it had been in the beginning of the movie, and everyone else ended up happy happy happy. So we see a change in his method of "jumping", a reaction by the "future" Kayleigh to Evan's passing her on the street, even though she had not seen him for probably 20 odd years, Evan's confirmation that Kayleigh turned out "alright". I am thinking perhaps that Kayleigh did die as a young girl, accidently killed by Evan, and was perhaps locked up, diagnosed with schizophrenia or some such by age 13 (the second "age" we see him jump around to and from. He may have inherited the illness from his father and experienced the blackouts because of the illness alone? |