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Let's see Justified Ancient unmasked


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12:07 / 28.01.04
Strip off! I think we should see him unmasked. Expose your secret beard! Nay to the outer beard.
12:13 / 28.01.04
I'm in...

Need 5 more replies.
12:29 / 28.01.04
Do it, JA. Let's see what you're hiding.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:41 / 28.01.04
No way! Long live the outer beard! It's a sin to show a chin!
14:30 / 28.01.04
Who cares, beard or no beard- just jade-pics
I think whether or not he's wearing the scary multicoloured brazillian fashion hat is much more important, and thats a 'yes' vote from me.
20:57 / 28.01.04
Gah! I've just realised that Justified Ancient and Jade are different people. Which I didnt know. I thought it was a name-change, but now I think about it, I can see no connection other than them beginning in a "J". This explains why I was confused when JA said he was 42, and I thought Jade was looking very young for his age, which he said was 22 I think. Confusing.

Definetely no beard.
Whisky Priestess
21:58 / 28.01.04
Beardless bigtime! I remember when my Dad shaved off his beard of 20 years and walked out of the bathroom I literally didn't recognise him for a few seconds.

Revealing facial hair change go!
22:06 / 28.01.04
When my dad went for his heart op, we thought they might have to take off some/all of his beard. For the first time we went to see him, they asked who we were there to see, said "Charlie Hendry" and they showed us into this side-room with a very old grey man, who had no beard. I just about shat myself, thinking "I thought I'd still recognise him." Turns out there were 2 mr hendries.

If you wont do the whole thing, at least shave half of it. Whether it be one half hairy and the other bald, or perhaps in stripes.
22:12 / 28.01.04
Shave off the tash bit on one side and the beardy bit on the other.
23:54 / 28.01.04
Echo that, Whiskey Priestess...

I was a wee nipper when my beardie daddy decided to cleanshave. We met on the landing. I burst into tears.

I was only little. Didn't recognise him at all.
08:02 / 29.01.04
Also, Mixmage has told me that then his Dad made HIM wear the beard! To junior school!! How cruel is that!
08:14 / 29.01.04
Weirdly I have also had that Dad+no beard=tears experience. As a child, obviously.
08:57 / 29.01.04
You bastards.

You were meant to ignore that completely or assume I was pissed again and ignore that completely.


OK, tomorrow will be the 22nd anniversary of the beard and I'll stick to my promise. It can't take more than a few days to grow back surely. AND it's the middle of summer here so my face is all tanned and I just know it's going to be scarily white in the general bearded area.


When I was in my early teens my dad shaved his beard off and we all screamed "put it back... NOW!!". It was the only time I've ever seen him without it and it was not a good look, I just know this is going to be like that.
09:16 / 29.01.04
All Dad's should have beards, it's only right and proper.

And so should you, Justified Ancient.
09:31 / 29.01.04
Actually I agree with you olulabelle, the high priestess, but it's now out of my control. I made a committment and I take these things very seriously.

Unfortunately I'm not entirely certain that I have a chin.

The reason I'm not doing it NOW, however, is that it's the middle of the night here and I do not want this to be a flash shot. Very unflattering is the flash on my digital camera.

Also, by doing it tomorrow I will have time to nip down the chemist and get some fake tan for the bottom half of my face.

I'm also considering having a party tomorrow night, inviting all my friends and calling it an "Have You Changed Your Hair Or Something Party" coz that's what people always say when someone shaves off a beard.
rizla mission
11:01 / 29.01.04
Just remember - you can cut it all you like, but The Beard is Immortal.
11:31 / 29.01.04
... mine's just immoral.
Kit-Cat Club
11:36 / 29.01.04
I too suffered as a tiny child when my father shaved his beard off in front of me - I cried for half an hour.

He's grown it back now though.
11:42 / 29.01.04
You all have no idea how much stress I'm going through right now over this.

I have texted everyone I know and told them to come around tomorrow after work to witness the event just so I can't chicken out.

The level of interest, astonishment and enthusiasm has scared me even more!
12:13 / 29.01.04
remember Sampson.
12:45 / 29.01.04
What I find MOST disturbing is the apparent connection between my beard and peoples images of their fathers!

On one level it's amusing as my company name just happens to be DAD (Derek Armsden Design). On other levels it's disconcerting as I'm getting the impression that my status as a (now) 43 year old (I was born as 12.05am and it's now 1.12am here so I've been 43 for an hour and seven minutes) seems to rate me as some kind of metaphor for peoples parental figures.

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:36 / 29.01.04
I don't see you as a father figure. To me in that photo you look like a Rock God, a mighty axe-wielding guitar-jockey. That's why I'm Pro-Beard, and think the Anti-Beard camp (or Pro-Shave, as they prefer to be known) are fooling themselves...
13:37 / 29.01.04
you and Jack Fear both...
14:06 / 29.01.04
That's why you need to lose the beard. Lose it! Recapture your youth! Nymphets of all genders will queue up to sit on your smooth, smooth face!
07:08 / 30.01.04
From Rock God (THANK YOU for that one!!) to the nasty judge from Australian Idol.

07:19 / 30.01.04
Actually, it's not just all Dad's that should have beards, it's all men. Men are supposed to have beards and that's all there is to it. Can you not fetch it out of the bin and glue it back on?
09:03 / 30.01.04
Well done mate. If I was where your are, I'd buy you a pint, for not being a welcher.

Oulabelle: I couldn't grow a beard for the life of me. I only I have a bit of chin growth. What about us poor hairless men? Am I somehow less masculine? (Quote from Seth - "you look like a Baked bean")
09:12 / 30.01.04
Yay, well done - very brave. Though you look quite spooked by the fourth shot.

You still look rock-god like, that hair is fab.
09:31 / 30.01.04
Illmatic ignore my beard ravings. I think I must just have a bit of a beard fetish. I'm sure there are lots of people with beardless fetishes who think it is the height of masculinity.

*Ponders* If your fetish is bearded, does that then make your fetish more masculine?
09:33 / 30.01.04
The long hair is the next thing to go... then we get Anna de L to change mu mu's wardrobe overnight... we have him now...
11:39 / 30.01.04
Oulabelle: Not if your fetish is bearded ladies obviously.

MuMu: Actually, buy yourself a pint and pretend it's from me. Mock my beardless ways. You probably already have more stubble than I've ever had in my life.
11:57 / 30.01.04
Rock! The New Beardlessness.
I'm sure it's just the photos - but you seem to have become greyer in the hair region as the beard vanishes. But simultaneously, you've lost anout ten years age-wise. Is it like the bit where Gandalf the Grey turns into Gandalf the White and Ian McKellan starts kickign ass and taking orc names? Was there an Eagle involved? Enquiring, although clearly laughable insane, minds need to know.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:41 / 30.01.04
Definitely still rocking. Looks good, actually.
14:28 / 30.01.04
Andy Warhol; eat your heart out.
20:58 / 30.01.04
At least I now know that I do, in fact, have a chin. Yay.

I had that pint, cheers Illmatic!

I think the reason for the grey in the hair becoming more obvious as the process went on, Ex, is that I was in a diminishing light situation, so when I've opened the images in Photoshop and done an auto adjust on the levels, the darker shots have gone a touch more contrasty. Either that or the process scared me so much I actually have gone more grey within half an hour or so. That is probably more likely.

I'm disappointed at the lack of stubble now that it's the next morning. Today will be the acid test of the looking younger theory too as I am going to see a lot of people today. None of my friends have seen me yet and I'm interested to hear first hand opinions, although it's definately going back on as quickly as my little follicles will grow.

No, there was no birdlife, ass kicking or orc names involved. Sorry.

Still hate me Gingerbop?

Oh, and I've learned a few things! People with beards are disgusting, messy and unhygienic creatures. I realised that I don't know how to eat or drink properly! When eating chicken wings I was constantly getting greasy bits on my chin and upper lip and had no ability to avoid doing so, and when trying to drink from a glass I kept spilling bits down my chin and onto my shirt. I had to adopt all manner of unnatural poses to avoid getting soaked. I don't know if it's 22 years of eating and drinking in a way designed to avoid getting stuff on my beard that has rendered me unable to consume cleanly without it, or if the beard just usually soaks all the mess up and only now am I realising how much.

I also learned that pillows tickle and make it hard to sleep and that air feels really funny on ones chin when walking at night.

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