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Quite, quite bizarre...

07:10 / 28.01.04
...and utterly hilarious, of course.

Of particular amusement are the last two questions 'answered' by Creationist Professor Giraffenstein and the Spiritual Safety Tip, which advises children about the dangers of talking to Atheists (beware kids, for "Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.").

As universally mocked as these people are, I can't but help find something horribly distasteful about their exposing children to this.
08:23 / 28.01.04
Jeeez. I thought this was a landover baptist type satire of creationism, but no - it's real.

"hey Habu - how many gods do you have?"
"I don't know I lost count"
- - I don't know wether to laugh or cry.

And of course Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew was around in the middle east in anti-deluvian times - (not just in Australia) - otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get on the ark!

It's all so simple...
08:34 / 28.01.04
I can't believe that i just read that. Poor Mabu, i hope he calls on a few of the Gods he's 'lost count of' and gets the person that wrote that struck by lightening. These people really are sick, i also hope that that site gets no fucking hits or just gets cracked and shut down.

Tainting kids minds like that, i hope if Jesus is real he gives the writer of that a nice slap in the face to add to the bad karma already mounting from the Mabu comments.

Poor Mabu!
09:57 / 28.01.04
What a strange world those people live in. We have next to no Creationists over here - so it just seems so utterly strange, doubly so when you see it expressed like that for da yoof.

I'm glad they've explained neathandrals for me thought - apparently they were people around at the time of the flood with rickets!! I want a Lambuel T-Shirt.
10:01 / 28.01.04
If you look at Lambuel head for long enough it spins around!!! That must be Satanic surely!
Baz Auckland
11:05 / 28.01.04
My favourite bit is the Landover Shut Down Campaign:

"NEWS FLASH! If you had any doubts as to the affiliation of the creator of Landover Baptist check out this link which shows pictures from an Atheist convention that "Reverend" Chris Harper was a key speaker at with other anti-Christian blackguards such as Douglas Adams"

Douglas Adams was a anti-Christian blackguard?
12:14 / 28.01.04
I particularly enjoyed these lyrics from the Zounds rockin for God site. 'Weirder than a Catholic.' Oh my.

Wacky Wacky Wicca Chick

In the suburbs of our town, there is a girl with a frown.
For her, Christ has no renown. Just a dude in a thorned crown.

Wacky, wacky Wicca chick.
Wacky! Wacky!
Her spells and charms are a trick.
Wacky, Wacky, Wacky!
Dabbles with the Satanic:
Tarot, ouija, and magick.
Wacky! Wacky! Wicca!

Mother Earth, Ishtar, Baal: yes, she claims to know them all.
Goes to a skyclad cabal, spends the Sabbat at the mall.

Wacky, wacky Wicca chick.
Wacky! Wacky!
Weirder than a Catholic.
Wacky, Wacky, Wacky!
Her "Blessed Be"'s just a shtick.
Her other car's a broomstick.
Wacky! Wacky! Wicca!

(Bass solo)

Her religion is a mess. She worships some strange Goddess.
But the Lord don't wear a dress. Now her soul is in distress.

Wacky, wacky Wicca chick.
Wacky! Wacky!
Ambiguously sapphic.
Wacky, Wacky, Wacky!
Heaven or Hell, gotta' pick.
Christ'll be back... Quick! Quick! Quick!
Wacky! Wacky! Wicca!

Wacky! Wacky! Wicca!
Wacky! Wacky! Wicca!
13:16 / 28.01.04
Don't miss the adventures of dinosaur hunter Dr. Richard Paley. They really are a rip-roaring read,
particularly the passages in which he thwarts the machinations of his evil arch-nemesis Nigel Stubbingwicke, the scheming British Evolutionist.

Like most Atheists, Stubbingwicke was all tough talk, but deep inside he was weak since he did not have the Love of Christ to succor him and give him strength. His cynicism and disbelief proved no match for my Faith and I eventually had him on the defensive. As my fists found their mark as if by Divine guidance, he finally fell to the ground on all fours, too tired and beaten to give any more fight. I stayed my fists and stood over his pathetic, subdued form. More curious than angry, I asked him what he hoped to accomplish by killing the Apatosaurus. His reply, snarled from a bleeding cut lip, was as shocking as it was plausible, and I can still remember it verbatim:

"Do you seriously believe that we don't already know about these dinosaurs? Why do you think I agreed to come along on this little Christian adventure of yours? To make sure you don't get what you came for, that's why!"

And 'Proof at last': Photograhic evidence of the African Brontosaurus. Behold!

14:03 / 28.01.04
you may mock, but that site says it fine for me to be a-fucking on my sister, and the lifting guilt is making me feel light-years tall.
14:07 / 28.01.04
Jeeez. I thought this was a landover baptist type satire of creationism, but no - it's real.

14:14 / 28.01.04
Curses, fridgemagnet got there before I did.
14:34 / 28.01.04
Has anybody yet read the report on the Creation Science Fair? Particularly charming was the Elementary School Level winner, with:

"My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)"
Cassidy Turnbull (grade 5) presented her uncle, Steve. She also showed photographs of monkeys and invited fairgoers to note the differences between her uncle and the monkeys. She tried to feed her uncle bananas, but he declined to eat them. Cassidy has conclusively shown that her uncle is no monkey.
14:45 / 28.01.04
Dammit! So fridge and tez - I've been rumbled. I suppose I could try and style it out by pretending I knew that all along, but I don't really think I'd be convincing anyone.

Curses - arrrgh.
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