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Another newbie enters

16:58 / 27.01.04
Hi there, i'm Eon. Any advice? People to watch out for? Also i read that Grant Morrison visits here is this true?

Whatever the answers, it's good to be here.
17:21 / 27.01.04
I'm not sure if i'm really qualified to say any of this, but welcome. My advice is explore 'lith as much as you can, don't forget the Policy forum or the FAQs as they should help you a bit. Also, you should try to add a topic summary so that people can search for a thread more easily and so they have an idea of what it's about before they enter.

As for Morrison visiting here, I havn't a clue.

Hope that helps.
Jack Fear
17:21 / 27.01.04
i read that Grant Morrison visits here is this true?

No. Or if he does, he doesn't post.

The rumor that Grant is some kind of a vital force here just will not go away. Where did you read this, if you don't mind my asking?

People to watch out for?

I'd watch out for me, if I were you. I'll come on all friendly, then beat youup and steal your lunch money. A shifty-eyed bastard, me. You've been warned.

Any advice?

Be yourself.

Read threads before posting.

Our powers are many and varied, but we don't do mind-reading (yet).
Clarity of expression will prevent friction by reducing misunderstanding.

If you make an assertion, be prepared to back it up.

Take nothing for granted.

Prepare to have your assumptions challenged.

Rigorous thinking is rewarded; anecdotal evidence not so much.

Don't try to impress: try persuasion instead.

If you're unhappy with the level of debate, raise it; if you're unhappy with the topics being discussed, start a discussion of your own.

That said: Use the search function (bottom of the page) before you start a new thread--there may already be a thread on the topic.

Read the FAQ.

Swearing is okay: unsafe-for-work images are not.

Don't take anything too personally.

Be yourself (did I say that already?).

Don't worry: you're doing fine so far. It's lovely to have you aboard.

Now give me your lunch money or I'll have your balls for a bow-tie.
18:07 / 27.01.04
I'm not morrison, I'm another grant entirely.

But you can call me what you like.
18:08 / 27.01.04
Cool thanks you two. I bet that Grant visits here under an alias but i guess we'll never know. I know that if i was him i would anyway. I read in an interview with him that he was on a forum but it could of been a different forum so i might be wrong. If you want the link to the interview, well that could take a few hours of reading through his interviews on the net to find it.

Finally, lunch money.

I have 5 pence on the side next to the monitor, but i can also magic a pretend pound so there you go.

(passes 1 pound five pence to Jack Fear and then wonders why this wasn't metioned in the rules.)

Now i'm gonna have to nag my brother for beer money.

Thanks again, hope to seeyou around,

18:12 / 27.01.04
LOL ok Grant thanks, sorry for the double post but you posted as i was writing the last one and i didn't see yours. I did actually wonder if you was him or not when i first saw one of your posts, simple minded as i sometimes am.
18:17 / 27.01.04
Hey, Eon.

Grant Morrison did come here once, for about five minutes. He talked a load of rubbish and went away. But a lot of people talk a load of rubbish and have been here for years and won't go away. And I include myself in that. Besides, there are more interesting people here than Grant Morrison. Some of them are:

Flyboy, who has a part-time career as a Freddie Starr lookalike.

Jack Fear, who you've met, and who is a 16-year-old girl from Leicester.

Matthew Fluxington, a disgraced Tory MP.

Ariadne, who's freakishly tall and can inhale Um Bongo up her nose.

Ganesh, who is the twin brother of Dean Gaffney, latterly from EastEnders.

Loads more, as well. The trick is to not believe half of what half of the people say, and don't be impressed by what the other half say because they're big show-offs.
Saint Keggers
18:24 / 27.01.04
What the hell is wrong with you people????

A newbie posts and not a single one has offered to precide over the ritual initiation by ass candling!!!

Barb has sooo lost its edge!

PS: Welcome Eon!
18:28 / 27.01.04
the scary thing is i can almost see the Flyboy/Freddie Starr thing...
18:43 / 27.01.04
tip: don't fuck me, or i'll bite yr head off.
pachinko droog
19:05 / 27.01.04
Rumour has it that all the posts on this board contain secret messages embedded in them.

Hope you brought your decoder ring.
rizla mission
20:00 / 27.01.04
Grant Morrison did come here once, for about five minutes. He talked a load of rubbish and went away.

He also sent some of us abusive emails a while ago.. which was odd.
So hey, there's hope yet Eon.
Char Aina
20:10 / 27.01.04
what did they say?

are you sure he didnt just get mark millar to do his emails one day?
23:46 / 27.01.04
'salright, Keggers, I have the candles right here. I've just been waiting for a suitable opening.
07:43 / 28.01.04
Rumour has it that all the posts on this board contain secret messages embedded in them.

And within each secret message is a pubic beard.
08:06 / 28.01.04
and that public beard is crying...
08:26 / 28.01.04
Haha thanks for the welcome, i look forward to the possibilities of getting an abusive e-mail by Grant Morrison and getting to know a disgraced tory MP!?!

Also refraining from fucking Praying Mantis lol.
rizla mission
18:08 / 28.01.04


what did they say?

"you're talking shit!" and such like. Not his greatest moment I'm afraid, I'm assuming he was drunk or something..
21:06 / 28.01.04
People to watch out for? Anna de Logardiere. She'll pay you a visit soon enough, trust me.
21:59 / 28.01.04
[Thinks it's time to invest in wax futures]
Hello there. As an approximately 12 month candlee I'd like to say how nice everyone has been, and that even if you post complete tosh, people will give you a fair hearing. Just don't try and defend posts made at midnight while druuuun uh oh.
[Hug all]
Jack Denfeld
06:24 / 29.01.04
I used to be the King of Barbelith.
12:22 / 29.01.04
Who's Grant Morrison?

And within each secret message is a pubic beard.
Apparently that belongs to me, mainly, lately. Today anyway.

I've never bothered about reading any other forums or paying attention to any "read before you post" or "search before you start something that might already have been started" rules and it's never done me any harm. Although sometimes I have to root around a bit to find out where my latest diatribe might have been moved to coz they'll do that if you post something in the wrong place.

Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it.

I did.
12:29 / 29.01.04
I used to be the king of somewhere completely different.
23:21 / 29.01.04
Can I be the King of Town?
rizla mission
09:25 / 30.01.04
Only if I can be King of the Forest.
09:27 / 30.01.04
Wouldn't you rather be King of the Road?
09:37 / 30.01.04
or king of the hill...
09:44 / 30.01.04
I am Ozymandias, King of Kings. The mighty look on my works and despair.
16:31 / 30.01.04
Me? King of Wishful Thinking.
William Sack
06:24 / 31.01.04
Mike Rowboat, you will always be the king of Barbelith. Hello Eon.
rizla mission
10:50 / 31.01.04
Wouldn't you rather be King of the Road?

'Fraid not. As much as I dig 70s trucker movies, dominion over the Wooded World is all I crave.
Bastard Tweed
01:18 / 02.02.04
I'm still trying for sultanette of swish.
08:47 / 02.02.04
Sultana of Swish is quite appealing.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:33 / 02.02.04
Wait a minute--I thought the King of Barbelith was some guy called Jake Deptford?
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