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Starsky & Hutch, 2004 style

The Strobe
14:02 / 27.01.04
Just click here for joy.

Ben Stiller is Starksy.

Owen Wilson is Hutch.

Snoop Dogg is Huggy Bear.

Vince Vaughan has a porn moustache.

Initial thoughts on concept: what the hell? Is this serious or not? Are they messing around? Do they even care about being truthful to the original?

However, I've now seen the trailer, can't find it online but it was on before Paycheck (don't ask). Anyhow, it's going to rock goddam bells. Wilson and Stiller are doing the doubleact thing again, but without silly voices or televangelist hair. Car stunts look fun, Vaughan is sleazy, Wilson is great, Stiller is again the supposedly straightlaced guy, and the knitwear is spot on.

March, I tell you. I cannot wait.
14:39 / 27.01.04
Niiiice. This looks like fun.
Jack Fear
15:26 / 27.01.04
Actually, it looks like the Dan Aykroyd/Tom Hanks Dragnet.
The Strobe
16:17 / 27.01.04
I see your point, Jack; it could all go wrong. But I'm honestly hoping not.
Jack Fear
16:27 / 27.01.04
Yeah, well. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first, as my grandpappy never said.
17:14 / 27.01.04

Yeah, this could be good or it could suck.
Eloi Tsabaoth
17:36 / 27.01.04
I would pop my arms behind my head and expect Zoolander with car chases if it wasn't for the following factors:
-No Will Ferrell.
-Not scripted or directed by Ben Stiller, but the auteur behind such masterpieces as Old School and Road Trip.
-'Ironic' adaptation of a straight TV series.
-Will probably contain 'That seventies show!' style retro gags.
-The law of diminishing reruns.
Matthew Fluxington
17:58 / 27.01.04
Will Ferrell is in the film. He's in the trailer, actually. Prominently.

It'll probably be good but not great. I want to see it, but I'm not expecting a masterpiece or anything.
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:01 / 27.01.04
Interesting. Who's he playing? Is he a main character?
18:39 / 27.01.04
Will Ferrell is in it.
18:41 / 27.01.04
Wow, that took a long time to show up, and now I look like a fool.
19:49 / 27.01.04
It's ok Cam, we still love you.

And I thought most people found Old School kinda funny, from
what I've heard (haven't seen it yet myself, but I hear the
3 leads are quite good in it).
Matthew Fluxington
20:03 / 27.01.04
In the trailer, Ferrell has a small role as a convict who is being questioned by Starsky & Hutch. It's a bit part, but he's in it.

If you're into Ferrell, you should be getting excited about Anchorman, which should be fantastic.
Matthew Fluxington
20:08 / 27.01.04
Old School is funny, but uneven. It suffers for having some awkward pacing and some dull bits, but its leads (especially Ferrell) all turn in very strong and funny performances. If the film didn't star Ferrell, Vaughan, and Wilson, it wouldn't be nearly as good.
01:16 / 28.01.04
I just watched the trailer for this, and I want to go wash my eyes out with brine.

Maybe it's because I haven't watched nearly enough of the original, and certainly not in a very long time, but I have just about zero interest in seeing this. I do dig Snoop as Huggy Bear ("You know a lot about golf" "I know even more about grass"), but that's not enough for me.

I did spot Jeneane Gafaolo in one scene of the trailer, tho. I heart her.

Yotsuba & Benjamin!
02:16 / 28.01.04
Yeah, focus complete attention on Anchorman. It will leave America ballless with its heartstopping comedy.

Did I just invent English's first three L-ed word?
Jack Vincennes
11:44 / 28.01.04
Anchorman looks fun, but I'm still on the cannot wait side of the Starsky and Hutch debate. Was also initially put off by the fact that the director was advertising the fact that he had directed Road Trip, but the trailer was glorious. From what I could tell it's not going to rely particularly on "look at the silly seventies things!" gags. However, that's entirely based on the fact that there wasn't much of that in the trailer, which I'd expect to be more obvious than the film itself.

Even the poster makes me happy, though. There's something about the concept of Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Snoop Dogg as Starsky, Hutch and Huggy Bear that makes me want to say together at last and actually mean it...
09:52 / 04.02.04
Wow, I caught some clips of this on old wossy last night. It looks fantastic! I was skeptical, but certain my man Wilson could pull it off.

He can. I laughed, lots. Wilson says a line like no other man, in a way that just seems designed to make me giggle.

I mean, in lesser hands this scene wouldn't work at all;

Stiller: So, uh, how we gonna do this? I've always had a thing for blondes...

Wilson: That's cool... I'll take anything

And then we've got Ferrel as some weirdo convict who wants to see his belly button, and the best bit so far - if anyone has seen it, in the office where he goes on about his perm.

Sorry, I'm plainly gushing, but I need some good comedy film action!
Tom Coates
06:40 / 08.03.04
What's this coming out anyway?
The Strobe
08:58 / 08.03.04
I believe, over here, it's in a week or two.
09:50 / 08.03.04
The 19th, you can probably catch a couple previews before that.
Old brown-eye is back
10:11 / 08.03.04
Saw it a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it a lot - so much fun. I'm supposed to be interviewing Todd Phillips this week if anyone wants to chip in with a question.
14:18 / 08.03.04
I've actually got a spare ticket for a preview in London tonight, if anyone is interested? It's a bit short notice granted.... It's at 6.30 tonight in Soho - PM if interested anyone?
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:15 / 15.03.04
Saw it this weekend, and really enjoyed it. Utter fluff, but laugh-out-loud funny fluff.
Old brown-eye is back
14:29 / 15.03.04
Interview took place as planned last Wednesday, and went just fine. We got interupted by Ben Stiller midway through, which was nice.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:49 / 16.03.04
Someone said ages ago it wasn't written by Stiller. I thought it was, and directed by the guy who did crapmovie#1 and crapmovie#2? Anyway, after badgering from Supa-Dupa Fly and Logadierio I saw Zoolander yesterday and it was ace.
Jack Vincennes
08:36 / 17.03.04
I was never going to be the harshest critic of this, but I saw it over the weekend and it made me as happy as I'd thought it would. Will Ferrell has a bigger part than I imagined he would (which is never a bad thing), the car rocks, and basically it's all uncomplicated fun. And there's a dance-off in it. My father assures me that the seventies were actually like that, all the time, so apparently it has historical accuracy on its side as well. (Hmmmn)
Whisky Priestess
19:02 / 17.03.04
That Janeane Garofalo you saw is Juliette Lewis, I'm afraid ...

Saw a preview of this at the w/e and it made me GRIN. Homo-erotic subtext rapidly becoming text, Stiller on coke, obligatory shouting black police captain - it's all there.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:24 / 21.03.04
I thought it was fun, even though all of the "cop show" cliches were hit harder by other movies. Still, enough laughs that it was worth the two hours.

And I never watched the show when it was on, which made me the pariah of the grade school in the 70's.
Fist Fun
23:32 / 24.03.04
I remember hearing vaguely about this thing Starsky and Hutch as a very small child. Some of the cooler small children used to play S&H in the playground. I was always sent to bed too early.

This was one fo the best films I have seen in ages. Loved the whole "good/anal cop vs easy going/criminal cop thang".

Fave bits -
The dance contest. I want to dance like Ben Stiller on the floor.
The dragon boys routine.
Starsky being tucked up at nigth after his coke fest and being reassured that he did win.
The shot pony.
18:21 / 04.04.04
I really did think this film was awesome. I felt child-like urges to take place in cop chases and incredibly amused/impressed by my boys Wilson and Stiller. The audience loved it, and this made me happy.

I kept waiting for Will Ferrel to put his nipple up against the glass like in the trailers, though. Never happened! Did I miss something?

Do it. Do it.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:28 / 05.04.04
It was great. And no ironic Seventies stuff either, Stiller's got too much love in him for that. But to have the original Starsky and Hutch turn up at the end, playing the original Starsky and Hutch...

02:39 / 24.07.04
Rented it tonight. Loved it. Loved it. It had everything: Mimes, Disco, Afro's, car chases, Shetland Ponies...! Okay, no Monkeys or Walken appearances, but daaaamn! I loved it, and expected not to really care.

And cameos by the original Starsky and Hutch. Oh yeah.
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