BARBELITH underground

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Why do you love Barbelith?

Ninjas make great pets
08:54 / 27.01.04
other topic got me thinking..
I was on about 5 or so years ago for a year and had a grand total of 12 posts!
I treat Barbelith more like a book I guess.. I LOVE soaking up info.. Get a well norished mind hanging out here (though maybe not a healthy one)

theres so many well spoken and funny people here. Tis great.
11:35 / 27.01.04
I come for the birds, the booze and the footy.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:56 / 27.01.04
I think I left my bag around here somewhere.
Char Aina
12:00 / 27.01.04
i really like grey.
Char Aina
12:01 / 27.01.04
i really like grey.
12:16 / 27.01.04
I've lost my mum.
Kit-Cat Club
12:28 / 27.01.04
Force of habit.

Also I keep hoping that I will suddenly be struck with the inspiration and energy to write a whole series of topics and posts which will revitalize the board as a whole, but it hasn't happened yet (it's hard to think of rejuvenating topics when one's current main interest is C17 herring fisheries, but I don't think that's the only reason).
13:14 / 27.01.04
I buy Barbelith for the spot-the-ball competition. And the centrefold, of course...
13:19 / 27.01.04
13:20 / 27.01.04
13:21 / 27.01.04
/\/\/\/\/\/\now why did that happen??
13:28 / 27.01.04
I wandered in accidentally and I can't find my way out.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:32 / 27.01.04
In the old days it was all about the thrill of the kill. Nowadays that just seems too easy, but I have to keep coming back because it keeps me edgy. If I stop being edgy, I start getting sloppy. And if I start getting sloppy, I'll end up dead.
13:42 / 27.01.04
I hate Barbelith.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:33 / 28.01.04
Currently, I *meh* barbelith. Neither one way or the other. I suppose I probably come back sporadically to check my messages, but conversationally, it's not got the pull it once did.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:33 / 28.01.04
That's a good question. Why does Barbelith keep coming back to me?

Maybe it's because it still keeps on Rokkin like the Dokkin.

Uh-oh. Dokkin sucks...
Jack Denfeld
04:02 / 28.01.04
If I have a question someone here usually has an answer. I've had people here help me with dancing, glam rock basslines, and English sonetts. Attitude varies day to day, but generally I think the members here are pretty smart.
04:20 / 28.01.04
If I stop being sloppy, I start getting edgy. And if I start getting edgy, I'll end up dead.
05:13 / 28.01.04
Hmmm.... I guess what keeps me coming back is the feeling of being with kindred souls. (yeakh, I've had a bit of red wine. Why do you ask??)

Seriously, above and beyond that Sally Fields moment, this feels like home in some ways. I get to be a science geek, and it's ok. I get to be a magick geek, and it's ok. I can burble about food, or fashion, or fetishes, whatever...

Gah. It still all sounds like, "You like me! You really like me!!"
That's not what I'm trying to say; whether or not you all like me I still feel comfortable here. There's more, but that wine is getting in the way.
05:16 / 28.01.04
Besides which, I've set a personal goal of 1000 posts before May. If I don't keep coming back, I'll never reach it...

(anybody up for another installment of Mafia??)
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:38 / 28.01.04
I second the reasons of KitKatKlub, except the fisheries part. I do not care a toss about fisheries.
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