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The secret of the universe

Alex's Grandma
01:04 / 25.01.04
Well it didn't come easy, this hard, bitter knowledge, but it looks like, it turns out... thatb I know what it is
Alex's Grandma
20:38 / 26.01.04
Sorry, I was drunk, I've got no real idea. Please ignore.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:44 / 26.01.04
I don't belive that. I think you do know, but halfway through writing that post They turned up and injected you with stuff that made you think you were drunk. Then They told you to tell everyone that you didn't really know and were just drunk.

You must strive to recover the memory. Strive, I say!
03:08 / 27.01.04
I have heard many wise words from drunk men.
5% nation
03:37 / 27.01.04
Alex, please just make something up. I'm horribly disappointed and I only half believe you don't really know, so just...lie to me. I promise...I'll believe.
16:35 / 27.01.04
Cool. Which one did you get?
I`ve got doubles of the quantum/fourier/hat thing so if you wanna trade go ahead.
16:36 / 27.01.04
I love the fact that the abstract reads "No summary available" in this case. Brilliant.
topical b
20:41 / 27.01.04
maybe you could at least narrowit down for us. does the universe mean well?
Char Aina
20:55 / 27.01.04
the secret was "don't sober up" surely ?
21:11 / 27.01.04
topical b, does the universe mean well?
I fucking hope so. Actualy I want to discuss this more.

Do we live in a Universe that is essentualy good natured? Do you think if we stay positve the Universe will respond the way we expect it to? Like were living in a muli-dimentional Univerce comprised of a one dynamic energy? If a miricle happened and assuming that there is no seperation and I am the Univerce, and it me, regardless if I'm enlightend or not I just beleive it (fake it till you make it style), wont that mean that it's my superconscious or whatever trying to tell me something? Or is it more of a father/mother son relationship, something seperate, another entity?
23:04 / 27.01.04
There is no such thing as a universe.
Just an indira grid that has allready happened.
You just get to choose where your conciousness resides.
Intent counts for fuck all.
results are the baby.
The past is fixed. Only forward.
Dammit. Just played a two pointer.
(Sorry...this IS the conversation.)
Alex's Grandma
18:37 / 29.01.04
Okay, drunk again, but I think I've remembered.
It goes something like this.
There's this theory in quantum physics, I forget the exact title - I could look it up, but... well, you know. However, it's to do with the nature of consensual reality - Sub-atomic particles seem to always respond to what the viewer expects, is the basic idea. So it necessarily follows, and no one's disproved this, as far as I know, that if the general material the world's made up of is open question, then so is the world. Think hard enough and the world would be different. Picasso, J Joyce, this was the point.
Oh yeah, and on the higher levels of consciousness, free will and predestination are in fact the same thing. And there is a God, I think, it's just that he doesn't look like us really.
And that's it. Will sink off gently into a coma, full of mismanaged love
Alex's Grandma
18:38 / 29.01.04
Okay, drunk again, but I think I've remembered.
It goes something like this.
There's this theory in quantum physics, I forget the exact title - I could look it up, but... well, you know. However, it's to do with the nature of consensual reality - Sub-atomic particles seem to always respond to what the viewer expects, is the basic idea. So it necessarily follows, and no one's disproved this, as far as I know, that if the general material the world's made up of is open to question, then so is the world. Think hard enough and the world would be different. Picasso, J Joyce, this was the point.
Oh yeah, and on the higher levels of consciousness, free will and predestination are in fact the same thing. And there is a God, I think, it's just that he doesn't look like us really.
And that's it. Will sink off gently into a coma, full of mismanaged love
20:12 / 29.01.04
Congratulations, Alex, you've just discovered one of the fundamentals of Magick. Its nothing new that hasn't been said many times over already, but you can be proud of yourself for picking it up on your own.

Now, go wank on some sigels and have at the world changing!
21:35 / 29.01.04
Okay, drunk again, but I think I've remembered.

LOL that was funny. Seriously though, that does sound good and i do believe the sub-atomic particle bit. I've read something about it in quantum physics and it sounded just like it, where the viewer deterimines what he/she sees, particle or wave i think it was.
Alex's Grandma
22:27 / 29.01.04
Yeah well it's nothing new. But if anyone knows about magick and so on, how d'you go about enchanting your poor heart's desire ? While knowing full well that you shouldn't really do this, I'd still be innarested, you know, in everyone's thoughts
23:02 / 29.01.04
Wanking usually does the trick (do a search for Chaos or sigils in the Magick forum... you'll probably find something there). (Although I hear of those who have obtained respectable results thru ass-candling).
Alex's Grandma
00:23 / 30.01.04
you just don't have any romance in your soul, do you ? You lame-ass, cynical, presbyterian fucker. I'm in pain here, fer christ's sake, and the last thing I wanna hear about's wanking. He said, as he shuffled off quietly into the bathroom, a tear-stained Asian Babes clutched gently to his chest. I used to have all these dreams... Oh well.
13:53 / 30.01.04
*throat clearing noises*
14:30 / 30.01.04
quantum/fourier/hat thing
It's a damn lie. I never did that thing with the furry hat... oh wait...sorry wrong end of the stick...
Sorry, right, not hats, the soul does not exist ab initio but must be brought into being by good actions... wait that's still Python...
People aren't wearing enough multi-personal-pantheistic-solipsism belief structures?
Reality is what you make it?
We're all figments of cusm's imagination?
It's something like that I'm sure, I'm off back to the magick to find some ancient pearls of wisdom from asian-babes mag, that's a hypersigil and a half if you ask me.

Wait, I remembered why I'm posting, how d'you go about enchanting your poor heart's desire ? becoming a fascinatingly witty charismatic sex god of course, anything else is morally wrong. Or petitioning the Lord with prayer (please note cusm may be the Lord if we're all his figments)

later you lucky people
Alex's Grandma
11:38 / 31.01.04
Ok, have just, er, performed sigil ritual, as per advice on " throat-clearing noises. " Without, I hasten to add, with recourse to Asian Babes, took a strange pill instead. 3 days to work, right ? Never tried this before. The sigil was just for a bleeding phone call, nothing too underhand, so... well I travel in hope. Anyway, off now to stare at the lightbulbs, the ceiling, for a couple of hours. Well it's the weekend, after all
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