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Matthew Fluxington
21:10 / 24.01.04
What do you think of California? Do you like California? If you've never been to California, what do you think it might be like there? Are you from California? (What's that like?) Why don't we have very many active posters in California? Is California scary? Is California beautiful? Is California sexy? Is California weird? Is California fun? Does California know how to party? In the cit-ay of L.A.? In the cit-ay of good ol' Watts? In the cit-ay, the city of Compton? Does California keep it rockin? Are things different in California? What's Hollywood like? What's it like to actually live in Los Angeles? Or San Francisco? Or Berkeley? Or Modesto? Or Bakersfield? Or Oakland? Or Anaheim? Or San Diego? Or Sacramento? If you live in California, do you really want two states? North and south, two, two states? Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger is the governor of California - how fucked up is THAT? What's up, California?
Char Aina
21:37 / 24.01.04
what he said.

maybe the californian plainclothes hipsters have better things to do in the sun? but what about dot commers? shouldnt they be here in force, riding the silicon dragon through the streets of the lith?
00:29 / 25.01.04
All we really want is to break off from the United States and hang out with Hawaii. Alaska can come too.
( End of the World )
00:33 / 25.01.04
Answers in order of questions asked:
It's a good place and warm most of the time. Yes. I've been to CA, so N/A. Yes. It's like being from a place that's good and warm most of the time. I don't know, maybe because most of the people here (California) aren't intelligent (that doesn't include me, of course). It's not that scary until you see the scary stuff that they don't show on TV. Some parts are beautiful, other parts not., people like to say it is. Yes it is weird. Sometimes it can be fun but you have to make it fun. PARTAY! L.A.! WATTS! COMPTON! (where are those again? must be in the north...) You forgot San Diego >.> WE KEEP IT ROCKIN'! They're not that different. Hollywood is full of arrogant people. It feels normal to live in L.A., S.F., Berkeley, Modesto, Bakersfield, Oakland, Anaheim, San Diego, and Sacramento...because its home. Two states??!? North and south, two, two states?!?!?! It is fucked up. Nuthin' much, what's up with you?

Wow that was annoying, wasn't it?
01:45 / 25.01.04
espy, did you say you were in San Diego? i live in San Diego. holy crap, i thought i was the only SD 'Lither...
Cherry Bomb
14:30 / 25.01.04
I'm not from California, but I have spent a fair amount of time there as I have relatives and friends out there. Anyway, I hate L.A.; too overbuilt and icky but I do really like the Bay Area and I love San Diego. My main problems with California are that it's overcrowded so the house prices are too costly, and whenver you want to do anything there's a million other people who've thought of the same idea. Also you need a car like, EVERYWHERE except maybe San Francisco proper, and of course it's really expensive to live there. On the other hand, it's really expensive to live in London. Also I hate the suburban strip mall feel most of the state (though not all) has.

But! It is gorgeous. I have many pleasant memories of driving around San Diego, top down, listening to tunes...

San Diego rocks. My aunt lives there. If I were going to move any place in California it would be San Diego.
19:22 / 25.01.04
Yeah, I'm from, another San Diegan 'lither! Amazing.
Matthew Fluxington
19:34 / 25.01.04
So can you tell us more about San Diego?
bio k9
21:10 / 25.01.04
Everything you need to know:

Matthew Fluxington
22:03 / 25.01.04
Speaking of which, what's it really like in The OC, bitch?
10:58 / 26.01.04
California is much less interesting than you think - and it really does behave like 2 different states between north and south.

Los Angeles is generally looked at as the hub of the southern california phenomenon, and San Francisco as the hub of northern same.

Los Angeles/Hollywood is just as fake and desperate as you imagine it is, but it has a lot of very endearing qualities - the weird, illogical culture-mesh that occurs in certain art scenes is really rewarding and worth the price of admission. People with work ethic who cut through the bullshit shine like diamonds among the backdrop of seedy loneliness. LA is the kind of place you can see 15 seperate women in an hour with child's-fist-sized collagen lip injections, grab a delicious taco from a hideously dirty hole-in-the-wall mexican food joint, then zip over to the cemetery with a few hundred other people to watch a movie on the side of a mausoleum. The city is a phenomenon like a whirlwind that can swallow people whole and spit them out changed. There's a 70-piece hip-hop orchestra that plays around town pretty regularly that's kind of a fixture in my view of LA. The myriad art scenes are highly enjoyable for an outsider.

It is a nightmare to drive in LA because it is one of the most poorly planned cities on the planet. Left turns are living hell.

People do copious amounts of cocaine in southern california - it's almost completely normal.

Lower than LA County you have Orange County - which is absolutely nothing at all like the television show called the OC. They don't even film it in Orange County, it's all up in Venice Beach and other LA areas. (Though I think they do some Irvine shoots) Watch the movie Office Space - it's a much better summation of what life is like in non-LA Southern California for an enormous amount of people.

Orange County is largely about extremely lazy twentysomethings with dipshit senses of humor or deep mean streaks and former-hippie liberal-type entrepeneurs who have transformed themselves into greedhead environmentalists or post-80's clueless CEO-types. The 949 area code almost has its own exclusive culture of post-80's yuppie activity. On the hands-free cel phone while running into Best Buy on a lunch break to buy some computers. 38-year-old soccer moms in pink shirts and blue shorts in their H2's on the freeway grabbing their kids from the El Toro school district. It's 80's excess transformed through a 90's that, to them, was all about becoming PC and being spat out into a kinder, gentler excess in the new millenium. It's inordinately homogenous here - 2% black population last I checked.

Anyone who's looking for genuine intellectual stimulation in Orange County is generally unhappy to be there, in my experience. There are lots and lots of truly terrible bands here. People are still attempting to 'ride the lightning' of 3rd Wave ska to the bigtime. We have a great deal of truly casual sexual deviants here, which is nice.

I think I'm the only currently active 'lither from Orange County. I probably know a great percentage of people in Orange County who've read and taken something they value out of the Invisibles and it isn't a large number. If I wasn't so goddamn sick all the time I'd be in New York, or at least Long Beach, which has a strange mini-New York-in-California feel to it, though I may be projecting...

I don't spend too much time in San Francisco. It's the only place in the world I've gone where I haven't been invited places by friends because I'm straight. They have environmentally friendly buses that they have to get out and push pretty regularly and that suits them just fine. Leisure seems to be very high on the list of priorities for San Franciscans. And the city is about 100 times smaller than you imagine it is.

I don't know much about San Diego except that it's where I score all the good concert tickets when all the LA shows sell out. And that 4th and B is a fucking kick ass place to see The White Stripes, The Flaming Lips, or even Danzig. It's where I have strange conversations with comic book writers about once a year. It's extraordinarily pleasant there, if unremarkable besides.

California is only scary in the sociological sense. It is often beautiful here - our beaches mean something and they are a major source of comfort and pride for many Californians. Sexy is a loaded word. It is definitely weird here, though largely in non-awesome ways. California knows a thousand different ways to party, not all of them good. The City of Compton is largely innocuous, despite what you may have heard. City of Compton golf is a swell place to do 9 holes. I DO want two states - them northerners are diff'rnt from me. I voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger, as did thousands of other disenfranchised voters who wanted anyone but a regular politician in office. At least this way we can laugh a little more regularly.
Matthew Fluxington
13:17 / 26.01.04
An idiot actor in the pocket of the Republican party is really better than Gray Davis in your opinion? Could you expand on that a bit, because I'm genuinely mystified by that (apparently popular in California) take on the issue.

Have you seen the show Arrested Development, LDones? That takes place in Orange County, and I think it's a lot like what you're saying Orange County is like.

I'm really glad that you posted all of that, though. It's always interesting, because the more I read/hear about California over time, the more it seems like a whole other planet compared to where I'm from (New York, the northeast in general), which is made even stranger by the fact that in terms of culture and politics, few places in the US/world is more like New York than the west coast. Different sides of the same coin, I guess.

The other thing that is confusing about California, and Los Angeles/Southern California in particular, is that all of what I know about it is so scattered and confusing that it's hard to get a sense of it aside from the most obvious things (Hollywood, for example). I think I have some understanding of Los Angeles, but it's really difficult for me to imagine being there, much less living there. I can grasp the concept, but not so much the physical space.
Tryphena Absent
13:58 / 26.01.04
California is very warm. It has many beaches, the other place that has many beaches is Florida. Both of these places are full of homosexual men and blonde rollerskating girls wearing bikinis who have had nose jobs. Most of the people drive jeeps with no roofs. Ice cream is a dietary requirement.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:09 / 26.01.04
I hear it's "a state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness".
14:11 / 26.01.04
I have this slight pet peeve about people who talk about California like it's a Camelot for weirdos; and if you ask, it's usually people who've never been there or went there once on vacation. I think that people feel safer if they can find a place to assign all the weird. I dated this guy once who went to Pasadena for the Rose Parade & he came up with this witticism "Where do you think they've parked the spaceships" re: the crowds of people shooting silly string on the street & so forth. Being told this was one of those horrific moments when you realize that you have been wasting your time with a stupid asshole. Because the people shooting the silly string aren't Californians, and what you should be looking for are spaceships with Illinois license plates.

Uh, I didn't mean to rant. But this is the main thing I think, when I think about California.
14:15 / 26.01.04
dear fluxington:

I've never been to california, but I hear disneyland sucks - it's basically a glorified six flags. but I don't think six flags sucks.

I've also been told that for my weather preferences (a nice even 70s - can wear a sweater if you want, or go without if you'd prefer. I really like sweaters, it's sort of "my thing"), somewhere in california is the place for me, but I'll be damned if I can remember whether it's san fransisco or what. if anyone knows, tell me, so I can pretend I'm going to move there for a few weeks, before I forget what city I'm supposed to move to again.

I have a couple of friends in california. one of my girl friends, who I love and would possibly marry if it were legal and also if she liked girls, lives there. I might possibly visit, and stay with my boy friend, who I also love but wouldn't marry, even if it is legal and even though he does like girls. I'll fly out and we'll make like demons in disneyland.

14:17 / 26.01.04
ps - I always always always spell san francisco wrong, even though I know the right way.
14:21 / 26.01.04
Well, I've never been but mmmum says it's just mmmmagical.
14:34 / 26.01.04
I've been to L.A. I didn't see any movie stars fucking in the streets as was previously advertised. It was summer and it was cold. Jacket weather. Except for the beach which felt like the desert. And I was heavily amused to find out that Santa Monica Blvd. was/is a Russian neighborhood.
14:35 / 26.01.04
Southern California stole everything it has worth having from Florida. The film industry, the pioneers, the weirdos, the oranges.

But it's different because it gets cold at night. It's basically a desert. There are mountains and oil wells right downtown. Picture a mini-oil rig in the middle of Central Park, New Yorkers. Lots of people don't know about those because lots of people don't go to the parks. There aren't very many skyscrapers. There's a lot of suburban sprawl. Instead of being separated from the suburbs by a river, they just sort of spread outward across the San Andreas Fault.

I like San Francisco better than LA. San Francisco is more mountainous, but it's compact and on a peninsula, so it's easy to conceptualize. The buildings also all look like Charleston or New Orleans -- wrought iron balconies, Victorian townhome kind of things.
My sister lives in LA, though. Santa Monica. It's more like home (Florida) there, except for the hills. It's more international there, maybe. Or more Asian -- Florida is pretty darn cosmopolitan in a South American/Caribbean way. California is kind of Mexican, but also Korean and Japanese and Chinese. North and South.

Something about the cities on the Pacific with the mountains just east of downtown creates lots of fog in the evenings. The Pacific is a much colder ocean than the Atlantic. In LA, the fog is polluted by all the cars. San Francisco, it's just cold. Cold fog. Could be anything out there.
Matthew Fluxington
20:17 / 26.01.04
Matthew Fluxington
20:27 / 26.01.04
Most first-time visitors to LA are instantly confused by its size and sprawl. Unlike other metropolises like New York or Paris, LA is a decentralized hodgepodge with no clearly defined hub. It helps to know that what is commonly referred to as 'LA' is really 'LA County', a conglomeration of 88 cities of which LA is just one. The heart of the city of Los Angeles is Downtown, about 19 kilometers (12 mi) east of the ocean and hemmed in by the I-10, I-5 and US 101.

This is pretty much why LA confuses me so much. I've spent my entire life in and around New York City, which is such a clearly defined and easily understood city in terms of geography. Having not travelled much, NYC (and other similar northeastern US cities) are how I understand urban areas.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:40 / 26.01.04
I know nothing about California other than what I've seen on the telly. On the telly there's lots of demons there. Also vampires. But it's okay because this little blonde chick kills them with wood.

And if Sax ever says that stupid phrase EVER AGAIN, Mmmmordant's going to mmmmmarmalize him.
Mr Tricks
18:43 / 27.01.04
Ahhhhh . .. I LOVE CALI!!!
I still Love New York (having been raised there) but am quite comfortable loving the Big Apple from a distance.

No-Cal & So-Cal ARE like different planets...

As I've been living in the S.F. Bay Area I can expound on that a bit:

San Jose:
Last i heard was like the 4th largest City in the U.S. and is probably the most successful Fascist state I've ever seen. After the Bar's are closed (2am on the west coast which took some getting used to considering the 4am+ New York last call . . . still beats Phoenix's 1am last call) the Police set up road blocks to usher people out of the down-town area & onto the freeways, singling out various drivers for testing. If you happen to live locally you have to show ID to prove this. They'll ticket you for J-walking or riding a skateboard.

There was a very fun loving PUNK scene who would spend Saturdays populating the local Bike for Beer-a-thons.
In short, some half a dozen homes would agree to host a keg and a Punk band. People would then gather at the first house listen to the live music and work hard at killing that keg before the cops would show up, maps showing the location of the second home would be handed out. As the cops rolled up, people would be off on their Bicycles heading in diferent directions and gathering at the next home some 30 minutes later. This would go on throughout the day and perhaps into that night ending at a local bar or club.
...Eventually I left moving to San Fran.

San Fran:
To me is like a whole city devoted to the spirit of Greenwich village. The Archetecture is beautiful and more often than not so is the weather. Marc Twain once said:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco."
But don't let that deter you cause all it takes is a 15 minute drive for the weather to drasticly change!
Housing IS expensive and most people end up sharing them just to be able to live in S.F. as a result the "house party" has a very unique feel to it.
There's plenty of Home grown do-it-yourself music to be found and plenty of venues to hear them in. The Food's great (except for most Pizza) and those electric buses usually only sall when someone's pulled the connector away from the over-head wires. Driving can be nuts especially if you've got a stick-shift and parking can be hell. You'll either pay for parking or parking tickets if you own a car in San Fran.

Bonfires on the beach at night are rather common, as are the associated drum circles. Dogs are welcome at some bars, as are Hippies and Hipsters. Yes leasure time is extremely valued and one wonder who people find the time to work what with all the cafe's that need occuping and all the museums to visit.

Meanwhile accross the BAY Bridge...

It's such a small city I have trouble thinking of it as such and consider is a lovely small town. Plenty of ethnic divercity there and again the food is great... particularly if you're a vegitarian or even Vegan. There are roads through-out the town that are devoted to Bicycles and the weather's generally warmer.
Telegraph Ave. isn't really the Downtown but is very popular for the tourists and the visiting parents of U.C. Berkeley students. There's a "head-shop" every 20 feet and what you can't find in the stores you'll find amongst the street vendors.
Housing here is also expensive, but you're more likely to find a home with a front yard in berkeley. Of course people are still extremely political There, and the beautiful parks make up for the lack of any real beachs.

Oakland's where I'm living now and it's both great and horrible. Where it's rich it's surprisingly so.... and where it's Poor... it's scary!!!
There's alot of divercity in this city, plenty of beautiful parks and an active underground. The weather's significantly nicer than San Fran and all & all it's just that much less expensive to live in. It's got it's own airport as well and if you can fly into Oakland international 8 out of 10 people who are "picking you up" will be greatfull.
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