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I looked in the mirror and I saw death

Alex's Grandma
16:20 / 24.01.04
And he looked like an ageing scottish football fan. You know, " whae's ye inntae ? Whae's ye from ? " that type of thing. This leathered old guy with his seat at the bar, with an ex-wife somewhere and his personal tankard, with a bit of respect from mibbe back in the day, but look at him now, all the regulars say, aye e's intae e's fittbae, but e's totally fucked. I don't suppose anyone's had a similar experience, and the shrooms, I guess, are going to wear ofF shortly, but still... Jesus Christ. So, you know, mortality, ageing, I suppose I can't go to sleep yet, what're anyone's thoughts ? Apart from fuck off, which is kind of taken as read.
16:44 / 24.01.04
'Shrooms and Doom, eh? Been there.

I caught sight of my face in a shaving-mirror while taking a leak. As I watched, the colours drained to blues, whites, greys... holy shit - I look like "the dead of winter" personified. My eyes sank in deeper, the shadows beneath turning a dark purple... a strange mask seemed to form from the bones of my brows and cheeks.

I looked like death-warmed-up-and-gone-cold-again.
09:50 / 25.01.04
what're anyone's thoughts ? Apart from fuck off, which is kind of taken as read

That's pretty rough. Don't be so hard on yourself dude.
The Knights Templar Boogie Machine
20:51 / 25.01.04
Firstly ,I recommend opening a bottle of wine and playing that coil track about death taking the form of whatever is relevant to the individual...Secondly,Mirrors and shrooms, or any other psychchems for that matter, jeez! Well, supposedly you would be scrying according to occult tradition (and fat wiccan ladies). I've seen myself as a werewolf, dead, a negroe, the list goes on and on..(yawn)...If its freaked you, you'll get over it, just put up a little 'police line - do not cross' tape around it in the astral realms and you'll be fine...
Alex's Grandma
18:38 / 26.01.04
Well, thanks for replying, feeling much better now, just have to get through Monday evening TV. Then again, on second thought, J Lydon on " I'm A Celebrity... " Guess it has to be watched, but can feel the abyss yawning open again...
18:58 / 26.01.04
That's TV for ya.
11:57 / 27.01.04
The problem with thinking about anything to do with living, is that invariably involves having to be aware of being dead. I find it best to think about neither, and if that fails try to remember that in this case the grass defiantely isn't greener on the other side
12:11 / 27.01.04
Neither one particularly appeals to me.
10:35 / 28.01.04
Well I know what you mean. But then again I probably don't. Anything along these lines is invariably going to be purely subjective and, and this case, my reply is bound to say more about my own depression about life, the universe and everything than it probably does about yours.

What's the date... the 28th of January. In 2 days I will be having another birthday and I will officially be an old bastard, again. Not, as your post clearly illustrates, a Scottish one but half so, only with a srong (apparently) Australian accent. Having only been to Scotland 3 times I feel like a fraud claiming heritage but that's how genes work I guess.

I look in the mirror and I see me. That's it, just me as I've pretty much always seen myself. I have a photo of myself in a frame in a drawer in a cupboard and in it I had the hair that was fashionable in the 80's at the time and that's the best I ever looked. To me, I still look like that, or, at least, I still think I could if it hadn't been about 8 years since the last time I set foot inside a hairdressing salon.

I'm not the guy sitting at his regular bar stool, I'm the guy playing pool at his regular table. I'm the guy doing his regular wander around the neighbourhood shops where nobody knows my name or what I do. I'm the guy on nodding terms with everyone in the local design industry but, again, nobody could tell you who I am. I stand out, everyone knows they've seen me before and hardly anyone knows a thing about me but everyone knows someone who knows me and they probably all have a story to tell about that hairy beardy guy who just nodded at them who's been around forever.

I quite like it that way. It's easier than trying to remember everyone elses name, a task at which I am absolutlely crap at due to a massive lack of interest.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I see death too, but it amuses me now.

I expect a large turnout at the funeral, full of people who say "oh, is THAT his name!
Alex's Grandma
00:47 / 30.01.04
Man, I was essentially joking. Which is not to say, either, that that whole scottish thing didn't give me the fear, I can still see that vampire looming up in the corner, and what he wants is a PINT... I'm in no position to give you advice, but a haircut maybe ? Not a grade 1, just something quite stylish. Go on, you can do it.
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