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12:16 / 18.01.04
I've just been pointed at this project from Bournemouth Media School.

The instructions were to "make a magazine cover which reflects, in some way, your own sense of gender identity". [....] We also indicated that there should be "a certain amount of text indicating what features would appear in the magazine".

The results, as you can see from the link, rock quite hard.

Widening out from the original brief into any identity/interest you'd care to mention, I invite Barbeloids to invent a magazine for which they are the target market.

(And I know it's traditional to begin a thread with your own inspired brainchild, but I'm still thinking. I'll come back later and elaborate.)
Cat Chant
18:44 / 18.01.04
Cooool. (I'm easy: Theoryslash.)
Whisky Priestess
01:20 / 19.01.04
It would be called

Oh fuck ...

It would include features on modern poetry, the A-Team, musical theatre, posh cigarettes, Buffy/Angel and How to Get Rich Quick Without Doing Much of Anything. Each feature would be in a different, exciting font, and illustrated with totally irrelevant pictures of people off my Lust List. It would cost 50p as that's usually the sum total of my disposable income.
10:18 / 19.01.04
Got it - Passing Times. Nostalgia and identity subterfuge.

Possibly, at a stretch, Parsing Times.

Content would include: hot pics of Claude Cahun (1920s surrealist woman artist with shaved head); a full-colour retrospective supplement about that bit from Celebrity Big Brother where Melinda Messenger gave Sue Perkins a makeover; a virulent and pedantic monthly column based on Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots and Leaves called Make Sense, Fuckwits - covering spelling, grammar, not using bacon as a bookmark etc.
A timeline indicating that most of the people eulogising Bagpuss are too young to remember it. A free sheet of stickers with "I was only .... when Bagpuss stopped screening" for you to fill in and stick over the mouths of people who claim to have grown up with Bagpuss. Repeat in subsequent months for Star Wars, The Tripods etc.
rizla mission
15:54 / 19.01.04
(But I'm young-ish, and I have crystal clear memories of watching Bagpuss when I was small! I feel justified in nostalging (not a word but should be) about it as much as I see fit!)

Since I already make my own magazine, this is a bit of a no-brainer I suppose..

It looks like this, and exactly what the cover says about 'my own sense of gender identity', well.. let's just not go there..

I suppose my perfect publication would be something like a genetic splicing of Careless Talk Costs Lives and a less-tabloidy version of the Fortean Times or something like that.. but with additional stuff about crazy forgotten horror movies. And insane druggy artwork! And comics! And viking! Yeah, vikings!
18:02 / 19.01.04
Hipster Bingo

music, art, cool technology ideas which will never actually materialize, shallow theorizing, pop culture, shallow theorizing about pop culture, probably some porn
Dances with Gophers
18:15 / 19.01.04
Bizarres been done so that out I suppose, so besides 'Play Gopher' retailing at 1.5 blueberry muffins. All I can think of is 'Not Cycling Weekly' for all those lapsed, and now portly, ex-racing cyclists who regularly promise to get back on the bike next weekend.
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