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Who wants New X-Men 114 - 126?

Sensual Cobra
19:21 / 17.01.04
I was going to put these up on eBay, but I figured I'd post here just in case there was someone on the fence about picking up Morrison's New X-Men run.

I've bought the hardcover, so my individual issues are now shockingly obsolete. If anyone wants them, send a PM or some such. Alternatively, I'd accept other suggestions on what to do with them. I've debated giving them to a couple friends of mine, but not sure how well they'd work as comic-evangelist tools. Whether that should even be a consideration...

Still, if anyone wants 'em, speak up.

(maybe this should be in comics, but I figured it's just an announcement, not worthy of its own thread)
Char Aina
19:30 / 17.01.04
dude, i would quite like them...

i was going to buy the TPB, but this might be better.
Bed Head
19:38 / 17.01.04
Hey, if another hardback comes out which renders your individual issues from 127-140 obsolete, shout away. They’re the issues I’m after and I can’t stand trade paperbacks, they’re just no fun to read.
Sensual Cobra
00:59 / 18.01.04
Toksik, you can have the first bit. PM your address, etc.

And Bed Head, I believe the second hardcover does cover 127-141, so yo ucan have those as soon as I make sure they're all here. 141 may be MIA right now.

I've also got Volume 3 of The Invisibles, which is now in TPB, so if someone wants that...
18:29 / 19.01.04
The return of Comics for Karma! Brilliant!

Anyone got a copy of Amazing Fantasy 15? The cat's shat on mine.
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