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Pavement art (PICS)

12:49 / 16.01.04
You may have seen these already, but I think they're fabulous so I thought I'd post them.

Also, does anyone know where they were done, or indeed anything about them at all? They were sent to me in an email and no-one seems to have any info about them. They look like they're done here (in the UK) to me, because of the Prime Ministers one.
12:58 / 16.01.04
I got these in one of those office type emails today actually, they are nice. Don't know any info about them though, sorry.
Ninjas make great pets
13:04 / 16.01.04
they are very cool

the style of art is called Trompe L'Oeil.. trick of the eye (or something). Not sure who this chap is but there's an exhibition of 5 centuries worth of the stuff here..

(sorry, I'd link it but I don't know how)

Ninjas make great pets
13:06 / 16.01.04
humm.. or least least there used to be!

well stuff easier to find when you know what it is called .. sorry bout that.
Matthew Fluxington
13:18 / 16.01.04

Bed Head
13:32 / 16.01.04
Oooh, I used to do pavement art! Back in the good old days. I didn’t know anybody still did it.

Hmmmm. I wasn’t as good as these guys though. I just did chalky copies of the boring old pre-raphaelites. These are great. I wonder what they’d look like from a different angle, whether they’re working from a template or a projection or something.
Pants Payroll
13:35 / 16.01.04
Wow. these pics are really getting around. This is the 4rth time in the last week that i've seen this some of these! One artist whos stuff is making the email rounds is Kurt Wenner. He's done this all over the states and Europe. I first saw his pics in the Jan/Feb 2002 issue of Juxtapoz, an art magazine founded by Robert Williams. Apparently it's a technique thats been around for centuries, as thumbninja said. It seems to be enjoying a comeback. Pretty amazing stuff.
Pants Payroll
13:41 / 16.01.04
Whoops. Heres a more specifis link: Kurt Wenner
13:46 / 16.01.04
Wenner's website
Tryphena Absent
13:57 / 16.01.04
Could we stick this thread in Art, Fashion and Design?
Char Aina
16:49 / 16.01.04
nothing like these, but has anyone seen the passages painted on the pavements of melbourne(vic,aus)? they are mostly (as far as i could tell) tributes and dedications to people who have died due to drug overdoses. they made me stop and rerad more than once, and they had a simplistic yet meaningful kinda vibe.

seems to me that pavements are an underused canvas, but you just know that the ad companies would swamp them with crap and we'd end up getting fined for using them if it took off.

19:49 / 16.01.04
Was I the only one to take a little while in realising the first two weren't before and after pics of the guys drawing it? They're amazing; Kind of reminds me on F1 tracks, there are the Shell logos in flowers or something. They always intrigued me.
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