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Weekly subjects

10:20 / 14.01.04
Can anyone think of any tasks that i could do for a week, eg not eating certain foods or not swearing
Tryphena Absent
10:30 / 14.01.04
Cut a single strand of hair off every day.
10:36 / 14.01.04
Walk all the streets in the Chorley A-Z.
10:38 / 14.01.04
Count every occurrence of the conjunctive 'a' in the King James second edition Bible?
10:41 / 14.01.04
Don't say "I" for the week...

Don't eat anything cooked...

Give someone a hug everyday....awwwwwwwwwwwwww
Tryphena Absent
11:21 / 14.01.04
Dear god Bear, you've turned in to a big lumbering cuteness monster.
11:37 / 14.01.04
What's this for? Some sort of craaazy office fund raising thing, or are you just a bit bored and wanting to spice up your life - week. by. week!? Either way, would help to know why - just to be able to think of something more apt.

If you want to annoy those around you however - refer to yourself in third person. That always irks.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
14:33 / 14.01.04
Eat your way across the rainbow spectrum on each day - strawberries and tomatoes Monday, carrots and oranges Tuesday etc etc.
Kit-Cat Club
14:50 / 14.01.04
Something I keep meaning to do but never get round to, which stems partly from the Barbelith NLP day ages ago and partly from conversations with Illmatic, is to spend a day each week taking notice of a particular sense. Not doing anything with it, just being aware of what comes to me through that sense. The idea being to be more conscious of my physical being and my existence in a physical world which can be accessed and apprehended through the sense rather than through the intellect - a valuable exercise for people who are stuck in offices all day, or inclined to live in their heads most of the time, I think.

Or rather than taking a day a week you could be more non-specific with the goals and just try it whenever it occurs to you over the week - when walking home, bored at lunch, etc.
Jack Vincennes
15:31 / 14.01.04
If you want to annoy those around you however - refer to yourself in third person.

Or speak entirely in rhyming couplets, something which I and my friends used to do at primary school. This is better tried over the course of a day rather than a week, though, as you'll be annoying even yourself by about 12:30pm (having spent half an hour previously trying to make the word 'sandwiches' rhyme or scan)

Assuming from the topic abstract that you want positive suggestions, though -KCC's sounds good...
16:26 / 14.01.04
Call your mother.

If you know anyone who has been unfortunate enough to enter into a dull retirement, or who has been stuck into a nursing home, or if you have any friends of whom you keep saying, "I really should go see him," go see him.

Volunteer somewhere.

Stop being so judgmental. I don't know you, or how judgmental you are, but I'm making an assumption that you're human. That means not stopping to analyze the moral status of someone else's actions. You don't need to do this.

Finish that book you started in high school.

Return that book you borrowed in high school.

And the CD, if you even remember who loaned it to you, now.

Work on mental discipline. If you find yourself compelled to drink latte's or coffees with sixteen names in them, don't do that this week (although you are probably addicted to caffeine, so take care that you don't make yourself sick from withdrawal).

Stop lying this week. I mean stop misleading people, omitting important bits of info, and emphasizing certain parts to make yourself seem better. On this count, it helps a lot if you fulfill your responsibilities. You'll find that one of the reasons you lie so often (again, I don't know you) is that you failed to do something you should have done.

Stop procrastinating. And for God's sake, stop bragging about it when you do. If you're so good that you can put things off until the last minute and still do a good job of it, then procrastination is a waste of your talent.

And hug someone every day.
07:38 / 20.01.04
thank you guys (and gals, i never forget the ladies)
well yeah, i was bored and wanted to try something new and interesting.
im not actually old enough to work in an office yet...
i just want to make my life more interesting
rhymming couplets?
you mean - "ill grab my coat and then depart, for i fear ive dropped a fart..."
childish yes i know but its all i could think of for now.
Thanks anyway guys (and gals)
07:39 / 20.01.04
how do you know i procrastinate?
im actually the master procrastinator and its not a good thing at all
19:54 / 20.01.04
From tomorrow, Im going to try SMatthewStolte's not-lying, misleading or ommiting information idea. It may be difficult, but it may stop some guilt, and if I can do it and feel better, I may never lie again. Makes things soo much simpler. Thankyou Stolte. I may not thank you in a week, once I've told evvverrryone how fat they look in that skirt..
20:27 / 20.01.04
I think stretching every morning truly helps improve your mental health as well as how you feel physically when you start your day. try it and see!
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