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Barbelith..the next generation.

Saint Keggers
18:03 / 13.01.04
There's a mirthful moment when you've been hanging around the child of a lither and the delightful litle 3 year old shouts out "Blah, blah, blah fishcakes!" and proceeds to inject other bits of barbtalk randomly into his day as the conversation may requiere it.

Its satifying to know that the baton has been passed on...
Matthew Fluxington
21:22 / 13.01.04
Gosh, that's nice, but it really is too bad that the kid didn't go with one of the funnier catchphrases from around here. Or maybe one which isn't more of a TV Without Pity line than a real B-lith thing.
21:48 / 13.01.04
What would you suggest, flux?

I was wondering, if taught from birth onwards, could you make a child naturally walk on their hands, and for them to find it easier than on their feet?
Tryphena Absent
22:53 / 13.01.04
Isn't your heart more effective the other way round. They might die sooner if they did that.

Hmm... I would say that if I had children I'd teach them barb-speak but I recently decided a hysterectomy would be far more favourable than babies. If I change my mind I'll let you all know so that I can be provided with a list to read to imaginary foetus in my womb.
23:40 / 13.01.04
So... does that mean I might die sooner for spending lots of time upside down?

Dont have a hysterectomy! Sheesh lady. Spare your lady-parts for having barbexperiment children at least.
06:07 / 14.01.04
I was trying to get Zoot (now seven months old, folks! How time flies!) to eat his pureed organic orange squash stew and he rather shocked me by turning around and saying: "Stop whining and adapt, you old fart."
06:09 / 14.01.04
You people really should stop sitting around talking and instead go out and fuck shit up, you know.
Tryphena Absent
07:22 / 14.01.04
Sax, your child is marvellously advanced.
07:37 / 14.01.04
Tell me about it. I sat him down in front of the Boobahs last night and he said: "I'd rather shift a paradigm, daddio."

William Sack
07:58 / 14.01.04
How bizarre. I'm paying a flying visit here to post to a thread with a very similar name to this one, and this one is at the top. Sax, 7 months is probably old enough to introduce him to a real live tiger if you haven't done so already.
Tryphena Absent
10:06 / 14.01.04
Boobah scares the hell out of me.
Matthew Fluxington
10:45 / 14.01.04
Wow. I'm a total jerk in this thread. Sorry.
Saint Keggers
13:26 / 14.01.04
Funniest thing (or creepiest)- a 3 year old staring at himself in the bathroom mirror shouting "Ass-candling!" and then laughing evily.

Didnt know there was a next gen threa already in progress. Now I do.
The Falcon
13:17 / 15.01.04
Well, you know what to do, Matthew.

1) Take kid to zoo.
2) I think you can guess this bit.
19:31 / 15.01.04
my girlfriend pop (who never posts in her own account) keeps talking about doing strange things to her kids in the future, to see what kind of weird associations she can build up in their minds, like poking them in the nose with a single finger every time they mention food.
21:36 / 15.01.04
Sorry for being so stupid, but whos offspring is this delightful 3-year-old? I will have to teach my neice and nephoo all about ass-candling. The 7-year old one is past the stage of it being funny, I think. Although, when she was 3, her mum turned on the news, and she told my mum, "I dont like this programme. It's shit."
12:35 / 18.01.04
Wasn't the fishcakes thing from hissyfit?
20:58 / 18.01.04
Never mind the ass-candling; My nephew's taken on a more practical barbedimension with his piss-taking. He's just turned 2, but this week took the piss out of his Papou (greek grandad). Papou had just gone into the bathroom, lurching, as he does. My nephew started walking around with a hunchback, laughing vigourously as soon as Papou shut the door.
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