um, I knew I was pregnant way before I knew you COULD know. you know, you hear of all these women going months without having the slightest idea. I knew within, I'd say, approximately 1-2 weeks. I wasn't due for my period yet, but I was very suddenly ill in a way I'd never been ill before. everything made me nauseous, sounds, sights, moving the wrong way. I'd be fine one second (rare) and the next I'd have panicky clutching going on in my guts, just BOOM! but mostly, it was the smells that made me sickest - like fried chicken.
one time I was at a shopping center, about 2 months in, I'd guess, on one side of a HUGE parking lots and allllll the way across that parking lot was a fried chicken place. I had to run into the store bathroom and start hugging that toilet for dear life, and wasn't right for the rest of the day. and it was VIOLENT sick. I lost weight, and was sick like that for four months non-stop.
oh, and "morning" sickness is a misnomer - it lasts all day long, from start to finish, and on occasion I'd wake up just to be ill.
zero fluid retention, boobs didn't get bigger until later (but when they did, JAY-SUS!). I craved things that were bad for me (mcdonalds french fries, butterfingers, and cola slurpees), but couldn't stomach things that I normally liked (like the aforementioned fried chicken). I felt sweaty a lot, even when I wasn't truly hot, and took a lot of showers. I wasn't any more or less horny than usual, and the sex kept going right up to the end - there was no discomfort or pain involved, except, yknow, er, you have to position properly.
I was EXTREMELY moody. I'm a fairly moody person to start with, and this just sent me to extreme lows. I was nasty and weepy pretty much all of the time - I can't imagine that feeling like misery all of the time did anything to help it. the worst of that, though, was also at the end, where I found myself crying at television commercials. I don't know if women tend to be THAT bad at the beginning.
anything else? |