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Help a computer idiot out

No star here laces
07:16 / 10.01.04
Hey. I've just bought a pc, from a kind of discount hardware warehouse we have here in singapore, which is ridiculously cheap. However there is no after-sales service whatsoever. Someone supplied me with a dodgy copy of windows XP, which also has no documentation.

How do I install the fucker? I know nothing about DOS having been a mac user all my life.

I put in the cd and restarted the computer and a windows 98 logo appears briefly then disappears.

If anyone can give clear precise step by step instructions I will be very grateful...
09:05 / 10.01.04
A little more information would be helpful, specifically, is an operating system already installed on the machine? If so, which one?

If not, and your 'Windows XP' disk brings up a Windows 98 splash screen, then you've probably got a complete copy of 98, or 98SE. Not being a PC user, solving this problem yourself may be tricky without assistance, since it sounds as though you need to do a complete clean install of everything to get the machine working properly.

The best thing is to handle this one step at a time. What happens when you turn the PC on? I assume some version of windows tries to load up. If not, when are you actually putting the 'Windows XP' disk in the drive?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
09:43 / 10.01.04
WIndows XP is actually pretty straightforward to install. If your computer boots up, shows a Win 98 splash screen, then happily loads WIn 98, then all you need to do is pop the XP CD into your drive and allow it to auto-start, then follow the prompts.

If Win 98 doesn't fully load, then it's a little more tricky. You need to tell the computer to try to boot from the CD first, which means altering some BIOS settings (the BIOS is the software on your motherboard, which tells the central nervous system of your PC how to behave).

The BIOS should only really be tampered with when absolutely necessary, and then with extreme caution, so only follow these instructions if you feel pretty confident.....

To enter your BIOS configuration screen, you need to press the 'Delete' button just as your PC starts to boot up (on the screen that tells you what CPU and drives you have).

You can then follow the procedure outlined HERE, adjusting it so that the first boot device is your CDROM drive. Be aware that you BIOS setup program may be slightly different from the one illustrated, but it won't be miles away.

Once you've done that you need to pop the XP CD into your CDROM drive, then restart your PC, following the on screen instructions. I hope this helps.
No star here laces
13:39 / 10.01.04
Stevie, thank you so much for that, sounds about right!

Basically it came with (supposedly) nothing installed on it, which is why I was surprised to see the windows 98 screen - that flashes up then it reverts to DOS...

So basically, it sounds like you're correct in your analysis. Will try that.
No star here laces
13:40 / 10.01.04
Stevie, thank you so much for that, sounds about right!

Basically it came with (supposedly) nothing installed on it, which is why I was surprised to see the windows 98 screen - that flashes up then it reverts to DOS...

So basically, it sounds like you're correct in your analysis. Will try that.
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