I don't necessarily think Marissa has acted out of character for a 16 year old who's been sheltered as to how the real world works for most of her life... I mean, first she finds out her dad committed fraud, it becomes more and more apparent that her mom is a psychotic bi-atch who will stop at nothing to get her way (no matter who gets hurt in the process), her b/f cheats on her with one of her good friends after she loses her virginity to him, and then this new guy she likes (Ryan)is prone to some serious violence/drama everywhere he goes... On top of it all, every move she makes is scrutinized/criticised, and for whatever reason despite the right intentions generally falls flat to boot. Fuck, with Oliver I think she really just WANTED to believe that he was the first person she met who would be just like her, u know? Understand her, and help her work through her problems. Meanwhile... I mean, they both have pretty big issues, it's just that Oliver had absolutely no control over himself, while she's holding herself together (just bearly). People need to remember that she's been through a lot, and also that she does seem to have clinical depression which can make her judgement somewhat compromised... But I think in the end that she's going to need Ryan to get her passed that, as much as he needs her to help him work through his own issues (re: trust problems, overcoming anger issues, etc). They're a good couple not b/c they "look cute together" or whatever else, but b/c they have the opportunity to really do wonders for each other to look inward and grow from their demons, and they prompt as much just being in each other's lives. That, I think, more than anything, is what I see in them as a couple and what I can relate to the most... |