Flux, as usual, has it all wrong, Illmatic. Don't listen to him. Here's a secret women don't want you to know - they, and by they I mean ALL OF THEM - are willing to settle. Ever seen a slovenly, ugly guy with a Babe-O-Tron on his arm? You might think that he's as rich as Croesus Q. Trump, or hung like a grizzly bear, but it's probably not true. Women are constantly dating men that are beneath them, and if you play your cards right, you could be beneath them too, you know what I mean? Eh? Eh? The key to attracting a desirable woman (ie, someone hot) is to cultivate the illusion of potential. There's nothing women like more than a fixer-upper. Just follow these steps, and you'll be swimming in a school of minxes (or is the plural just "minx." God, chicks. that's what I meant. OK?). (1) Don't talk much. don't say anything. especially in groups. Odds are, she'll think you're deep and mysterious. then, when you're alone with her, you can talk a bit more, but be vague and allusive/elusive (chicks dig puns, too. work some in there) (2) Take up some fruity hobby, like painting or poetry or model trains. DON'T TALK ABOUT IT RIGHT AWAY. Casually allude to is (remember?) in the middle of a conversation and let it drop. After a date, you can show her your pathetic scrawls or your scale rail depot, and no matter how crappy it looks, she'll think you're up to something. (3) Think you need to go the gym? Don't bother. You can better relate to women if you develop a mild neurosis about food. NEVER LOSE THAT LAST 10 POUNDS. (4) Don't comb your hair, and don't tuck your shirt in. If your face is a little dirty, that's fine. You'll evoke a motherly reaction that's latent in even the round-the-blockiest strumpet.
And that, my friend, is the all the free life coaching you'll get out of ME. |