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Calling Ontario Barbe-types

Whisky Priestess
15:21 / 04.01.04
Oooooh Canada! (as my Christmas knickers say)

I'm currently dossing about on holiday in Ontario, staying with my other half and his parents in Barrie (near-ish to Toronto). While I'm all in favour of patronising the local malls and watching TV till my eyes bleed, there's not a huge amount to do round here and if there's anyone local to the area who can suggest fun stuff I could join in with (casino nights, monster truck rallies, pie-eating contests or even just an evening out at a bar or restaurant) it would be lovely to meet up with some of the Toronto or Kingston or Barrie-based Barbeloids sometime in the next couple of weeks.

I'm here until the 15th (which day I'll be spending mostly in Toronto, fact fans) and I'm open to suggestion. Show me Canada at its mightiest and I will reward you with tales of fog-bound London and possible cultural exchange if any of you ever come over to the UK.

P.S. if mods want to move this to the Gathering, can they give it a week or so in order that relevant people have a chance to see it?
19:48 / 04.01.04
Whiskey Priestess, if you are able to make it to Montreal - just a few hours away and a helluva better party town than TO - let me know by PM and I will give you my number. We can have tea in the afternoon and attend the local erotic dancing establishments at night, if you are interested.

20:20 / 04.01.04
A few hours away to a Canadian is like a continent away for most Europeans. I'm not sure if Whisky would want to travel over 7 hours there and 7 hours back during her short stay, even if it would be worth it to visit la belle province.

Whisky, if for some reason you do make your way to Montreal, stop by Ottawa for a visit.
20:29 / 04.01.04
oh, I spent only 4 days of my life in toronto, but that quickly, I was certain I wanted to live there. if it weren't for my responsibilities here, I'd be living there right now.

they have lots of good chocolate shops, for one. what better reason to go?
20:40 / 04.01.04
Over 7 hours?!?! Who have you been driving with Moriarty? Mr.Magoo?

Yes, it is not exactly down the street, and yeah...Canada is a BIG country, but as a BarbeCanuck, I thought it would be appropriate to extend some hospitality her way. Just in case the lovely Whiskey Priestess would care to grace Montreal with her charms.

I have a place to stay and a hardy breakfast in the morning if desired. I also live near this really cool anime video store...and we can BBQ some dinner in the snow on my deck with a Molson...because well, how can Canadian Culture be epitomized any better than that?

So, long shot...but what the hell....

You are in Ottawa, Morarity?
21:24 / 04.01.04
An hour to Toronto from Barrie, then another five hours minimum to Montreal, no? As I said, no matter if Mr. Magoo or Dale Earnhardt are driving you cross-province, Montreal is worth the trip. Wish I could say the same about Ottawa.

I visit Montreal once every month or two. The last few times have been to attend the Montreal Comix Jam. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to make it this season, what with school, but I'll definitely be in town for the 22rd-25th of this month to see the Stomp All-Stars.

Where is this anime video store you mentioned? I tried finding one, and had no luck at all. Do you know if they carry live action movies, like Battle Royale?

Baz Auckland
21:31 / 04.01.04
I'm afraid Barrie's just that place I drive past on the way up north, so I don't know what you can do there... but! Toronto!

EAT the pizza that Rothkoid swears is the best in the world!
MEET Barbeloids! (I think there's about 3 of us in Toronto who still post here... maybe some of the new members too!)
SEE the CN Tower (from any point in the city really...)

um... there's loads of great Chinese food too...
22:11 / 04.01.04
Absolutely Baz! Toronto has some great restaurants. For sushi, you have to try Nami. It rocks. They have a signature dish called "sushi pizza" that is made on a crspy, yet chewy homemade rice tastes waaay better than it sounds...if you like sushi. Raw oysters? Rodney's is where you want to go. You want the VERY BEST steakhouse...go to Harbour 60. I forgot what this is called, but it is where the Chef designs a moeak for the party, based on indivaual dietary and palatial preferences and each course is accompanied by the appropriate sherry , wine or port....ooh.... For that, one must go to Arabasque in the Crown Plaza Hotel on Front Street. (Right beside the CN Tower). It is pricey, but well, well worth it.

There is more I can recommend in T.O...but I must go...the driver is here.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
01:31 / 05.01.04
I'm in Minnesota. That's like the Scandanavian version of Canada without the health care and Ringalos.
Baz Auckland
01:46 / 05.01.04
What's a Ringalo? Is it like a Frito?
foot long subbacultcha
08:50 / 05.01.04
How's it going?

I'm a Londoner who has spent many holidays in Ontario (got family there). Toronto has a great local music scene. Check out some of the live venues. The Horseshoe Tavern and the Rivoli are very close to each other and tend to be good fun on many nights. Bar staff are very friendly and it shouldn't be too hard for you to make friends. Once that's done you'll have people to show you around all the hidden away places off the downtown area. Worked for me
01:43 / 06.01.04
OKay, Barrie, I'm not so good with, but the redoubtable Cailin recommends a tour of the, uh, Molson's beer plant. The skiing is apparently alright (although if it's your thing, I'd reccommend driving 45 mins north to Collingwood for that, or better yet, take Ms. Tricks advice and just go to Quebec).

Or, drive 45 mins the other way and come to T.O. The Royal Ontario Museum has... an Egyptian Exhibit. Grr (you missed the Art Deco exhibit, sadly). The Art Gallery of Ontario is always a nice afternoon diversion (and has a fine pub across the street, the Village Idiot, which can't be too far from Baz, and we're around the corner from). The Ontario Science Centre is fun, but a little ghetto if you're used to American Science exhibitions. The CN Tower has a wicked view, although it's been 20 years since I was there. If you have cash for scalped tickets, go to a Leafs game.

That covers the touristy stuff, off the top of my head. If you're looking for bookstores, bars, comics, in T.O, just ask (although you can't really go wrong around Queen and Spadina, or Bloor and Bathurst).

Oh, and Papa Ceo's pizza - Spadina and Harbord. Hit it.
Whisky Priestess
06:04 / 06.01.04
Thanks chaps! My once-furrowed brow is less kinky for thee ...
Saint Keggers
15:36 / 06.01.04
Yeah Whhiskey Priestess, do head over to Quebec. Its a great little place. Im there it has to be. (You know you want a barb-meet Montreal style!!!)
Baz Auckland
11:40 / 11.01.04

Any plans for the 15th yet?
16:05 / 11.01.04
When in Toronto make sure to take a tour of Regent Park.

It's kind of like Regent's Park in London, only with a lot more drugs and guns.

Toronto has a couple of decent pubs, and a pretty good music scene. Perhaps the Forgotten Rebels will be playing? If so you can see what happens to punks when they don't quite make it big, but keep playing regular gigs for 25 years.
20:20 / 12.01.04
Barrie! That's where I am right this very moment. Yep.

It's not so bad and please don't go to the Molson Beer plant. There was just a big drug bust there and it's just not a nice UE'er type place right now. Police and all.


Did you not know that UEC is from Barrie? That's Urban Exploration Canada. o_o
Baz Auckland
21:05 / 12.01.04
That grow-up sounds great though! An entire abandoned brewery! 50 people working and living there! 30,000 plants! ...a pity about the police...
12:27 / 13.01.04
Yeah, who says independent business can't thrive? Oh, the police. Right then. I guess the reccomendation to take a tour of the place was either exceptionally foolish or divinely inspired.

So, WP, how is your Ontario vacation going?
Whisky Priestess
13:36 / 16.01.04
Guuuh ... internet went down so I didn't see Asher's "I'm in Barrie" post until now, (anyone notice how there are like no internet cafes in Canada? or am I just blind?) family funeral (of the other half's family) scuppered a planned weekend in Taronna (correct pronunciation, no?) and 15th was a massive rush so I didn't get any quality time in the big T and had to go straight to Pearson.

Sorry all. It would have been damn fun. But at least now I'm all caught up with series 5 of Angel ...
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