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B5 slash

Disco is My Class War
03:47 / 03.01.04
So I've finally gotten round to watching the entire series of Bab5, am finding it so much better than I veer thought it was when I caught random episodes on TV years ago. I know some of you will know where to find B5 good slash -- can anyone give me some sites? I'm looking for Winters/Ivanova but I reckon there'd be some pretty good m/m slash out there too...
11:38 / 03.01.04
Marcus/Neroon seems quite a popular pairing here, but there is a B5 slash archive somewhere - will have a look for it. Lots of it is Sinclair/Garibaldi, though, and the old B5 slash fanlistings seem to be pretty much dead.... Deva?
Cat Chant
11:44 / 03.01.04
Oddly enough, I've never read any B5 slash. I'll ask around; there's a fair overlap between B5 and B7 fandoms (or 'fanda' as I keep trying to call them in my head).

I do find the prevalence of Sinclair/Garibaldi weird, though, seeing as Sinclair is the only male on the station I don't think Garibaldi ever shagged. Maybe that's the attraction, though.
13:19 / 03.01.04
hmm would winters/ivanova stories be, strictly speaking, slash since their relationship, badly handled and almost entirely brushed over as it was, is pretty much text rather than subtext?
13:26 / 03.01.04
Well, the relationship between Blake and Avon is pretty much text rather than subtext as well, except the writers don't handle it very well... I think that, ironically, one of the functions of slash is to repair texts that have been mutilated by a failure to describe adequately what is going on... good point, though. It's like, can you write slash about Stuart and Nathan, or is that just fanfic?
Tryphena Absent
14:18 / 03.01.04
Noooooo, don't corrupt the source text, don't corrupt the source text.
Cat Chant
16:51 / 03.01.04
sleaze - yeah, Winters/Ivanova is pretty much exactly on the cusp between slash and gayfic (this being the distinction Haus, in a momentary uncharacteristic lapse, seems to mean when he opposes slash and fanfic - basically, Blake/Avon is slash, Tara/Willow is gayfic, though Certain Factions Unbeloved Of Deva are now using the term 'gayfic' to mean 'slash we like'). It's a really interesting pairing for exactly that reason.
04:06 / 04.01.04
it surprises me that you would have an intersection of the audience because their messages seem totally opposed.

I started to hate B5 at the time while watching the two hour movie that ISTR kicked off the last season. it had got so bellicose and hermetic as JMS believed that somehow by writing a main character through a war he had somehow experienced war rather than writing television scripts all this time.

wearing grown-up clothing does not make you grown-up.

B7 seemed to understand the difference between fantasy (or Genre Adventure Fiction) and reality (or Realism). B5 seemed confused there and the confusion made it uneasy for me to deal with.

plus, I didn't have a television at the time. (still don't, BTW.)
Disco is My Class War
05:12 / 04.01.04
Source text was made to be corrupted.

I find the prevalence of Sinclair and Garibaldi weird too, especially since Sinclair is only the Captain for one season. Then again, I can understand it. Garibaldi does make a serviceable bratty butch bottom. (See here.) None of the other male characters seem self-aware enough to top that. Except maybe Lennier in a really uninhibited moment.

Also, I'd say that the Winters/Ivanova relationship definitely needs repairing. Even with the blaring signal of Talia's hand reaching out across the empty bed and Ivanova's confirmation in Season 3. Hence, slash? Maybe it depends on the text.

Anyhow, my VCR died last night, two-thrids of the way through Season Three. So it looks like slash/fanfic will be the only thing feeding this B5 obsession for a few days. It's really time I bought a DVD player.
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