Anyone baffled by this, the solar flares, and other disasterous incidents occuring across the globe, might want to take a look at the Seventh Fire prophecies, as well as some Atlantean theories. In the Seventh Fire ('Fires' refer to time periods, and the first six 'Fires' have all come to past, as well as the beginning of the Seventh), the human race can either choose to return to the old days of love, magick, and peace, or continue abusing technology until it disrupts the electromagnetic field of the Earth, causing several cataclysmic disasters, ultimately distroying much of the human race and their technology, forcing the choice upon us. According to Atlantean theories, this caused distruction of the former civilization. Also, there is some evidence that this had happened about four times before, making this about this the sixth time we've been wiped out. If this plot line is not familiar to you, I suggest you also view the Matrix trilogy, specifically the second movie. I believe the Wachowski brothers were trying to portray that in addition to the Christ/Buddha story, as well as countless other hints and philosophies. The theory really does make everything fall into place--or in this case, everything is falling into pieces. |