Well, probably your best bet is to decide where you want to put your money, and then pick up independant financial advice on your options.
I have a sizeable amount of cash tucked away in a Scottish Widows portfolio, spread over - IIRC - about four different areas. From the advice I took, the general rule seems to be put your eggs into as many different baskets as possible, rather than putting everything into one type of investment.
ISAs are a good start, especially as they're tax-free, but they max out at 3k (and then you do of course have the option of tying your ISA money up with a cash ISA or stocks ISA). I also have a large amount in OEICs, which give great returns as long as you keep them open for 5+ years.
So, both my advice and my experience is that it's probably better to invest in portfolios which are tied to the stock market (and thus, allow a financial manger to place your money), rather than placing it yourself, and, to be honest, the way the stock market is right now, it's probably a good idea to buy in (as long as you are willing to wait a few years for your investments to mature). |