I managed to get out of the Selfridges sale without too much damage, having talked myself out of a Yamamoto diffusion shirt (nice but not on sale enough) - got a new lightweight dressing gown (CK) and a couple of Kate Storer cushions. Then things got a bit heavy at John Lewis - a moleskin suit, some shirts, two pairs of Falke socks (*so* toasty) - all for about £150, though, which wasn't too bad. Am pondering my Amazon list at present, but will probably try to avoid the rest of the high street - too scary, and nothing except the extra-smalls will be left pretty soon. Might pop in at the arse end to see what has been massively reduced to clear...
It was mentioned to me today that my generation were sort of spoiled by growing up in a recession, which meant that all sorts of items were regularly offered at a tiny fraction of their value as businesses closed down or desperately offloaded stock. Was £9.99, now £6.99 just doesn't swing it for me... |