OK, so after a few years of being almost entirely single (nothing really lasted beyond a few months), I've found someone who could be a long-term girlfriend. (I'm a hetero male.) Many things are great about this new relationship (we met about 2 weeks ago). The one thing that might not be so great is that she has herpes. (We haven't had sex yet.) Now, it's great that she told me up front before we have sex. An ex of hers gave it to her about 2 years ago. She's since dated a guy who didn't contract it from her, which was encouraging to me.
This is a little scary to me - I don't want herpes, of course. But I also really really like this girl, and I hate to think that people with herpes are forever shunned by potential partners (although believe me, this isn't a social work case, I'm not continuing to date her out of pity that no one else will because she has herpes). I'm just sensitive to the fact that she risks rejection even by telling me. However, I don't want herpes and I don't ever want to be in the position she's in now of having it and knowing that might scare people away. We're both 32 years old, who knows if we'll end up with each other long long-term? And even if you do marry someone with herpes, do you then say "Ah well, I'll most likely never have any other partners {i.e. not get a divorce or separate) so I might as well just get it or not worry so much about getting it?" Then again, I've heard how horribly painful the sores can be when they hit.
Some friends tell me this is seriously scary shit and a big risk. Others say "It's a minor annoyance, if you really like her, date her and just be careful, you won't get it if you're careful." I know that obviously I have to make the call myself and no amount of advice or anecdotes will remove the risk, slight or otherwise, that I'm taking here, but I want to be super-informed.
So off I went to all the Net herpes resources. I know about the two kinds (Herpes Simplex 1 and 2; cold sores in the mouth and genital sores), I know that there's a much higher chance of getting it when she's having an outbreak of sores (I think she only has the kind with genital sores and not the kind with cold sores). I know that she takes a pill every day that suppresses symptoms and she rarely gets outbreaks (maybe once or twice a year if that, which is also encouraging since other people who have it can get many many more and more frequent outbreaks, increasing the chance of giving it to a partner). I know also that there is a period of asymptomatic "shedding" (as they call it) for a few days before an outbreak or even once a month (I'm not really clear on this, the various FAQs and herpes websites haven't been clear on how to determine this mysterious theoretical once-a-month times where there are no sores, no outbreak but the virus is still being transmitted, more than it would be when there's no outbreak and no shedding).
And of course, I know to always use a condom (which I would anyway, herpes or no herpes). Using a condom will cut down my risk of getting it by a lot, probably by 70-80%. Of course, the catch is I might still be rolling the dice and risking getting it because condoms can't stop everything all the time (hell, they can't even always stop getting a girl pregnant!). I've also heard certain kinds of spermacidal lubricants can be used in addition to condoms to further cut down the risk of contracting any STD, including herpes, but I don't know what kinds of products there are out there for this.
I also have heard that I probably shouldn't give her oral sex, but other people say it's ok to give her oral sex except for when she has an outbreak. But what are the chances I might get it while giving her oral even if she's not showing symptoms? From what I've read and what I'm hearing from friends (who I've also consulted on the matter), the chances of getting it when the person is not having an outbreak are about 15-20%, maybe. Is this accurate? Are there any little tricks to finding out when the shedding happens without an outbreak? (Obviously, it's called asymptomatic because there are no symptoms, but I thought maybe there would be some little clue in some minor physical manifestation that tips one off? Like she gets a weird kind of headache when the asymptomatic shedding starts that tips her off because it's such a distinct feeling, or something like that?)
I know that you can get some kind of flavored saran wrap type plastic thing (sometimes they're called 'dental walls') to give someone oral if they have herpes and you want to be EXTRA sure, but that seems kinda stupid to me.
And can I get it by fingering her? (I don't think so, but no sites seem to address this either) Can I get it from her if she gives me oral (if she doesn't get the cold sores)?
All in all, this girl seems to be too great a match for me to not date her because of the herpes thing. I know many people stop dating partners once they find out the partner has herpes, but she's too good a catch to pass up, on so many levels, emotionally, things/hobbies in common, her sense of humor, the friendship/rapport we have, and of course the sexual chemistry.
Thanks in advance for your advice, your ancedotes through personal or friends' experience and your input. Peace to all in the New Year and during this holiday season! |