Aye, finishing off the year as usual, can't remember all the other books I was reading, but this year it was...
The Toybox by Jackie Cassada - part of a three part trilogy thing that I havne't finished. Lavishly written, but a bit too glitzy after a while.
Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami - excellent first book for me. Have since picked up Wind Up Bird Chronicles and Norgewian Wood, both of which wll be read next year. His writing is just SO completely beautiful.
After the Quake by the same author - Wherein I fing my fav short story ever, titled Landscape with Flatiron. That's a brilliant short, just fucking amazing. And the funny thing is that I can't really put a finger on it, or say what I like about it particularly, it's just good.
Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett - haven't read a Pratchett book for a long while, but this one was a fairly pleasant way to get back in. I've always looked the character of Death, and this one just hit the spot right on. As with most Pratchett books, the only problem is that he has a tendency to drag out a bit at first, and those damn wizards are such wankers sometimes... and speaking of wankers...
Kokoro by Soseki Natsume - introductory book to the author. I swear, I have never despised a fictional character more than the character named 'Sensei' in this book. Hard to explain without going into the details, but argh... y'know, it's *hard* to create a character to believable that it makes you say something slong the lines of '...fucking piece of turd...' every 2 minutes while reading it! |