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17:56 / 27.12.03
Warren Ellis asked a bunch of his friends to write their take on the upcoming year. I'm asking the same thing from you.
The Knights Templar Boogie Machine
09:32 / 28.12.03
2004, its the kind of year that manga films i watched in the early nineties were set in..These dystopias have to to be shifted into a parallel universe or something to make sense now....
Anyway, i have not a clue what to expect/make of this year, as for resolutions i have none, i have removed every sinful characteristic from my being each year for the last 25 yrs so i am now an angel of light...
Its early morning at mo, so i'm in no fit state to comment on the evolution of the zeitgeist and the neo political effects that the next 365 will bring...
Never or Now!
17:39 / 28.12.03
King Arthur'll wake up with a hangover one fine Spring morning, take a good look at England and figure, Fuck 'em. Then he'll move to Taiwan.

Stonehenge will be painted bright beautiful colours, everybody will be briefly happy, but then it'll all be greyed up again. A sombre Blair will explain: "Those stones could have been children! CHILDREN!"

And we will find out The Truth About Electricity Pylons.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:55 / 29.12.03
The original cast of Saturday Night Live will return from a time traveling experiment made during the third season of the show, see how their careers turned out and put together a year's worth of new shows, showing us just how it was done.

Sadly, Belushi will overdose on drugs, creating a time paradox and only those who were in the studio will remember it as it is wiped from existance, along with the casts from 1981 - 1986.
06:32 / 29.12.03
Everyone will be listening to rockabilly and wearing their hair in flat tops.

Except me.
08:26 / 29.12.03
You ripped that off the Observer's interview with a 'cool hunter', didn't you, Sax?
08:44 / 29.12.03
I say this is the year of the Geek.. gaming has become such a big hit in 2003, the surgence of cheap broadband and cheap hardware means there will be a rise in it I suspect, remember the biggest titles on PCs are coming after half a decade of abstinance :P HL2 Doom3 and all the rest. So this will be funny..

I think china will gain in GDP, India may too. There are a few investors in key areas willing to take the risk over there. Catastrophes I touch wood do not happen. But nature always has its way. It'd be cool if more love spread :roll: (i know childish dreams) There are some good things though.. Shymalam has a new flick out The village should be cool.
rizla mission
09:45 / 29.12.03
I say this is the year of the Geek..

Yeah well, that's what they say every year, but I ain't seen no evidence of it yet..
10:11 / 29.12.03
You ripped that off the Observer's interview with a 'cool hunter', didn't you, Sax?

No, she ripped it off me. She approached me in the street and asked me where I'd bought my Dunlop Green Flash trainers, my St Michael cardigan and my Birmingham Bags trousers, and asked me what I thought was going to be the next big thing in 2004. Then she went and told the Observer like she'd come up with it all herself.

Actually, no, you're right, Ganesh. I am so Establishment now that I get my style tips from the Sunday papers.

However - interesting factoid. In my as-yet-unpublished novel which Nick has read and can vouch for, there is a musical movement called technobilly which is a fusion of rockabilly and, er, techno.

So there.
10:25 / 29.12.03
Tt. I assume you mean rockno?
11:20 / 29.12.03
Technobilly as in Rednex as in "Cotton eyed joe"? Hopefully nothing will ever cause a repopularisation of same.
Baz Auckland
14:19 / 29.12.03
Next year will be great... hmm... personally I think. Otherwise, I'm already resigned to Bush being re-elected and other bits of global nastiness...

I resolve to learn Japanese by next Christmas... and get a job in Japan as well...
Matthew Fluxington
19:50 / 29.12.03
The original cast of Saturday Night Live will return from a time traveling experiment made during the third season of the show, see how their careers turned out and put together a year's worth of new shows, showing us just how it was done.

Oh please. I wish that old cultural myth about how great that original cast was could be put to rest. They were very relevant and broke some ground, but the work itself was not especially wonderful. The whole mythology around that cast is just one more obnoxious bit of Baby Boomer nostalgia that NEEDS. TO. DIE.
The Falcon
19:58 / 29.12.03
I think 2004 is going to be brilliant.

I just do.
The Falcon
19:59 / 29.12.03
Oh, and technobilly is probably best defined by Rikki 'n' Daz (feat. Glen Campbell)'s 'Rhinestone Cowboy'.

I think.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:26 / 29.12.03
Everyone will be listening to rockabilly and wearing their hair in flat tops.

Except me.

...and me because I did it this year, already. Everyone else is just slow on the uptake. The chopback's where it's at.

Personally, I think 2004 will be about dancing more and caring less.
10:19 / 30.12.03
America will spend most of the next year in a state of second-from-the-top alertedness. Nothing will happen. Everyone will become so bored that they start trying to sneak screwdrivers onto international flights for fun.

FOX will continue to find sensationalist stories about celebrities that mean nothing.

Australia will continue to have the world's most embarrasing leader.

Suddam Hussein will be sentenced to execution but this will take so long to happen that something else will become more important newswise. A new virus probably.

Beagle 2 will never be heard of again.

The Beatles will stage a reunion. Well, Paul and Ringo will be seen standing next to each other and FOX will call it a reunion anyway.

Lookout for North Korea. I think they will become the new black.

I will continue to not win the lottery.
22:58 / 01.01.04
Oddly, about the time this thread got started, I was listening to old Stray Cats albums and musing over possible haircuts.
Guy Parsons
11:36 / 02.01.04
2004? Why, I've been dreaming about this ever since I was a little boy.


Nothing but big things, as I depart the family nest and set sail for exotic climes in the name of a gap year. (Grades willing: eeep!) And the just-formed band I'm in *will* dominate the world, perhaps taking a new technobilly direction to be ahead of the curve. Excited, I am.

The rest of the world will continue to suck like so many Dyson vacuum cleaners that are powered by their own onboard nuclear power sources.
gotham island fae
07:01 / 03.01.04
Bush will be elected three times.
gotham island fae
07:02 / 03.01.04
I'll awake from nightmares every third night.
gotham island fae
07:03 / 03.01.04
And three wise men will visit me.
Perfect Tommy
22:40 / 03.01.04
Partymancy: Since this New Year's was the first one I finally had someone handy to drunkenly make out with at the stroke of midnight, I think this is going to be a really great year. But since it was an ex-girlfriend I probably shouldn't have been drunkenly making out with, I think this is going to be a complicated year. It will all work out, though, 'cause I awoke with a mysterious lack of hangover—I am the Inverse Jesus.
the Fool
06:05 / 04.01.04
I think 2003 was, for me at least, a year of purging a whole heap of emotional poo. Letting go of some baggage I didn't even know I was carrying.

2004 feels fresh and new for some reason. I think we are in for a very interesting year. I think we'll start to feel the tide come in again...
13:43 / 04.01.04
I'd like to ditto everything the Fool just said. Sounds like we had similar years!

Feeling immensely positive about 2004. I have lots of work to do this year, but it'll all be fun work.
16:21 / 04.01.04
I think I'll go with Bush being kicked out mainly because everyone else seems to think he'll be re-elected. Ommmm postive waves here.

Also the current pontif will kick the bucket and will be replaced by a Black Pope (great band name/album title btb), who will allow catholic priests to to wether he'll marry his housekeeper and the story being made into a best selling movie starring Denzel Washington I think it's too early to call.

Oh yes the final Star Wars prequal will be release featuring 2 1/2 hours of footage of Lucas laughing hysterically while rolling round in a pit of money. But it least it won't have Jar Jar Binks in it.
pointless and uncalled for
16:42 / 04.01.04
04 - another year of big stuff, which I'm fairly certain comes in seven year cycles although I'm at a bit of a loss as to when this one started.

Firstly Bush is going to get kicked in the elections. Those who worry about jingoism at the all time high need not be concerned. Whilst it's all easy and comforting to run with the crowd when the next bit of good war news rolls across the newsfeed, things will be different in the polling booths. Even the full force of American national pride cannot carry an incumbent with two unfinished wars. The support of the allied news is waning and the rest look to bring out the claws as the running starts. I think the bottom line is that Bush and the current administration have alienated far too many people and this will be a large marker in the Democratic campaign.

Blair on the other hand, I think, will win back some support. But on the good side I think that the Liberals will move up with some better definition in policy and finally return us to a tripartite state which should benefit us a bit.

Personally, well the first coule of days have left much to be desired but there is likely to be a restoration of balance with some good stuff coming my way at the start of spring.

My crystal ball is telling me that Chris Morris is set to return to our lives with something even better than Brass Eye.
The Eldritch Forces tell me that apple pie will taste much better although the custard will won't be quite like grandma used to make.
17:31 / 04.01.04
2 0 0 4

. . . . . . . memory . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . i think we are loosing it. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . all of us. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:47 / 04.01.04
Bush will win the next election, two days before the American presidential elections there will be strong reports that Osama Bin Laden has been captured and WMD found in Iraq, Bush will say "Look, I was right after all", get one of the highest positive votes in recent decades yet strangely when it's revealed two days after the election that both reports were completely untrue the media won't bother reporting that much. Lacking the funds to attack another country Bush will instead have to turn inward and take more rights from his people, expect abortion to finally be outlawed.

Wachowski brothers release controversial fourth Matrix film, a mix of the Matrix mythology with liberal dollups of Robert Rankin's 'Armageddon II: They Came and Ate Us'. They are arrested two days after the film is premiered when it's revealed that they spliced in subliminal frames of them wanking over a huge pile of cash and laughing.

2004 will start, though it'll probably take a year or two to get into full gear, the next fight between youth cultures. This will be between the under twenties and under-twenty-fives. The under-25s will be generally liberal and cool, the under twenties will be Nu Labour/Tory capitalist freedom-restrictive shits, Maggie Thatcher clones. They have no interest in culture or nature, they value everything in dollars.

David Blunkett found kicking immigrant families in the face. "I thought I should just cut out the middle-man." The unrepentent Home Secretary said.
02:43 / 05.01.04
the new chic:

the death of metrosexuals and the emergence of shows like 'straight eye for the queer guy' where macho men with beer guts and bud lite trucker hats teach gay men how to fart and scratch their balls.

and then on the flip side - the 'dumb' woman. we've been in preparations already with jessica simpson, the 'rich girls' and the hilton sisters.

so basically we're headed for trailer park trash domestic violence and jerry springer atmosphere once again!
14:07 / 05.01.04
Deliberately falling off your bike will become the big new street sport. If you've ever fallen off your bike in a spectacular fashion and managed to survive uninjured, you'll know what a thrill it is. It will start off really interesting and dangerous, there'll be a big scare in the tabloids about it and it'll be turned into a telly sport within 2 years, with recognised moves with silly names, and proper stunt bikes etc

Everyone will start to appreciate smoke rings for the mesmerising things of great beauty they really are. Poncey cafes will install smoke ring machines; maybe some sort of smoke ring game in pubs.

People will be able to find out if they smell by dialling a number on their mobile. Tiny electronic noses, pinned discreetly to undergarments, will transmit smell data to a server on the interweb. Dial or text the number and enter a pin code to be told whether or not you whiff, with no one being any the wiser.
14:46 / 05.01.04
Like Mu Mu says, there will be no attacks (at least not in Britain) from Al Qa'ida. This will not prevent the odd terrorist alert and "shady foreign type arrested" stories in the tabloids. I am so sure on this I'm tempted to go to the bookies. I reckon I'll get small odds though as they're no dummies.

I will become Go champion of the world.

Like Lady says (sorry SK) Bush will be re-elected. The rest of the world may hate him but most of the people who will vote, will vote for him. Strong leader, etc. We're with him, not against him. etc. Bush will stay too I think only because of the weak opposition.

The pop industry will reel from the news that the chart is to be split into two. There's going to be a manufactured pop chart, and a real-band pop chart.

First copper arrested for smoking a joint in uniform.

I will not be moving to Sarf of the river, but Surrey dahlink (just).

Just as smoking was seen as socially acceptable in times gone by, and now slowly but surely the rights and norms of these practices have dwindled - fat people are in for a shock in 2004. There is going to be a rebellion of sorts (partially funded by the health campaigns of the government) to show that fat people are a drain on the NHS and public services, and that their blythe disregard for their health not only affects them but others. The social stigma will start now, so that by the time the average 'lither is of pensionable age the kids will gawp at pictures of fat people and stand disbelievling at stories of smokers.
pachinko droog
16:57 / 05.01.04
Bush and Blair will duel to the death with lightsabres over who gets to keep Saddam's impeccable collection of black velvet erotic paintings and vintage highball glasses.
The Falcon
17:22 / 06.01.04
That smoke rings thing is already happening. I'm a shoe-in for cool things happening now, for sure.
8===>Q: alyn
19:25 / 07.01.04
Sadly, Belushi will overdose on drugs, creating a time paradox and only those who were in the studio will remember it as it is wiped from existance, along with the casts from 1981 - 1986.

Hey, I remember that.

2004 is only the prequel to 2005, and the original is way better. I don't know why they bothered with it, to be honest. It's like we don't have any imagination of our own any more.
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