By dressing in pseudoscience, I basically mean that instead of developing a working image of myself as a sorceror, I'm developing more of a 1930s pulp mad scientist persona. I want to use discredited (and plain made-up) scientific theories as explanations and starting points. I'm renaming things left and right: the creation of servitors is now Platonic Engineering in my notebook, gods are extra-dimensional intelligences (EDIs), the runes are the geometric and psionic insights of an ancient culture, and so on. The primary reason, other than just to amuse and inspire myself, is because I find it easier to blend my math studies with my occultism (mathemagical theory!) using a mad science lens.
As for your other questions, I don't really have a firm background; a teeny amount of Wicca when I was about 11, then no magic until learning about chaos magic via The Invisibles a dozen or so years later. That might answer your first question: that whole 'results magic' concept has left me mostly thinking of magic as 'causing X to happen' rather than just etherically riffing. |