Christmas bonus? Wine, cash, vouchers? They don't even pay us a week early for the holiday in my Healthcare Trust. Bah, humbug!
But still I am cheerful. Good Christmas cards in the post today:
Pic: Smartly dressed Man and Woman raising glasses of champagne
Text: "Each Christmas, in an act of charity, Tarquin and Penelope raised a glass to the poor people on council estates." Ho ho ho.
And, from my niece:
Pic: Santa leaving a note for sleeping little boy
Text: "I know if you've been bad or good, Little Boy, so no presents. Also, I killed your dog and Rudolph shat on your duvet."
And about to go drag poor, suffering Ganesh out of his sickbed (he has a cold on the chest) and go see Return of the King. Woohoo! |