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O frabjous day


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Tryphena Absent
08:56 / 23.12.03
Take another little piece of my heart now baby!

I can go home for 13 days in 6 and a half hours. Until that time I shall sing Emma Franklin to myself very, very quietly.
Cherry Bomb
09:39 / 23.12.03
3 hours and 20 minutes until I am on vacation for TWO WEEKS!!! WOOHOO!!

6 hours and 20 minutes-ish 'til I get my christmas bonus!! YES YES YES!!!

put a little love in your heart...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:47 / 23.12.03
Hmmm, work doesn't finish until 1:00 pm tomorrow, then I'm only off until next monday. But, to be honest, who wants to be off work when it's cold and there's no fun places to go through that aren't packed out. Christmas in the library can often be nice and quiet, allowing one to catch up on their snoozing or playing on the computer.

Merry Christmas all!
13:50 / 23.12.03
Well, Winterval has started & I'm already on my break from evening work, and that's very nice. I've started reading Bleak House. Noon tomorrow, I'm off from day work for the rest of the week. And I just realized that I'm going to be all by myself at the studio next week, which is fab as I haven't had a minute to myself all month & I'll be getting paid for these. Then Friday that week, Radix is coming to work with me to set up my new computer la la la...
13:55 / 23.12.03
...also I got a $500 Xmas bonus, and a gift certificate to W Hotel. What on earth am I going to do for a night at W Hotel? Phone my cats? The gift certificate comes with a W Hotel World Music CD, which sounds like a soft porn soundtrack --but multicultural, at least.
14:30 / 23.12.03
I got a bottle of cheap wine.

Never mind, only one more day to work. This week.
14:49 / 23.12.03
Next week we can flirt, Sax. When we're the only ones working. I'll put on this sexy music for you.
Mourne Kransky
16:13 / 23.12.03
Christmas bonus? Wine, cash, vouchers? They don't even pay us a week early for the holiday in my Healthcare Trust. Bah, humbug!

But still I am cheerful. Good Christmas cards in the post today:

Pic: Smartly dressed Man and Woman raising glasses of champagne
Text: "Each Christmas, in an act of charity, Tarquin and Penelope raised a glass to the poor people on council estates." Ho ho ho.

And, from my niece:
Pic: Santa leaving a note for sleeping little boy
Text: "I know if you've been bad or good, Little Boy, so no presents. Also, I killed your dog and Rudolph shat on your duvet."

And about to go drag poor, suffering Ganesh out of his sickbed (he has a cold on the chest) and go see Return of the King. Woohoo!
16:54 / 23.12.03
A hectic afternoon of Chrissy shopping has left my hand numb from carrying heavy placcy bags. I have some other Christmassy stuff to do now (which I can't reveal here, cos it's Christmas, and secret, and stuff) then it's out for Christmas booze! (If I stay awake that long.)
05:52 / 24.12.03
Ganesh is sick at Christmas. The big humbug.

I too got all my Christmas shopping done yesterday. Thank God for Thorntons - last refuge of the feeble minded.

And Perseph - sounds good. I'll iron my festive boxer shorts.
Dances with Gophers
20:16 / 24.12.03
No bonus, no wine (except this whine ) they even canceled the christmas ball. They did however put up a christmas tree, so I put a bag of humbugs and a bag of chocolate coins on it. However I did bottle out of putting messages on the bags ie on the humbugs "A present to our employees" and "Christmas bonus" on the coins.

Happy festivities everybody.

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