It was snotgobbling cheese of the highest order, worse even than the "Will... I love you..." from Xander at the end of S6 which makes her dissolve into non-homicidal, non-cool goo. So many inconsistencies, so many continuity gaps.
* The worst tonal error (and there are a lot) was, not in killing Anya - fair enough, and fits with the tone they're trying (failing) to inject, but in the cavalier manner in which it happened - and then the callous way in which her death is treated after it happens. "That's my girl... always doing the stupid thing." Fuck off, you jilting, one-eyed sack of useless shit. You're the one who watches? Watch THIS .!. (that's a shitty representation of me flipping Harris the bird, fact fans).
Anya gets a crap, bathetic death, and a one-liner instead of a wake - while Wood (whodat?) gets a death scene with Faith - that turns into a fake-out, comedy death scene! Woo hoo, that was good! And worth doing! He's a character who caught everyone's imagination! It's right that he gets dramatic shit happen now! Yes!
* Someone should take Whedon aside and point out that 'deus ex' equals lazy writing. Someone should then tell him that having it done TWICE in one 45 minute episode is just embarrassing:
1) The origin of the amulet is even played in another TV series, for fuck's sake. Anyone not watching Angel (idiots - it's far and away the superior show) won't have a clue where Angel comes from and why.
2) Suddenly Buffy decides to give everyone the power of the Slayer, and tells Willow to do it - without asking whether she can, of course, since the fool's a 'general', now. Willow looks a bit fearful ("oooh, I'm so unstable" - fuck OFF. It's the end of the fucking world (allegedly), and Rosenburg still can't grow a backbone without Summers there to hold her up. Only users lose magick. Or something), and then does it anyway, without any research, or danger to herself. Giles says it's a brilliant idea, when a few months ago he'd have said it was dangerous, unpredictable and stupid - he might have ended with "but it's all we've got", but NO! They had to have Buffy and Giles agreein' and bein' all smiley and shit after their recent fights, didn't they? It's the end of the series, can't have them pissed off with no closure, can we? Arse. And like Fly says - past experience of having unsupervised Slayers has not been good. Remember Faith? (you might have seen Eliza Dushku in the background somewhere while Gellar was proving how two-dimensional her acting is) Thought so. PsychoCriminalBastardSlayerPatrolGo! Anyone have any idea how many other Slayers-In-Waiting there are? Funny, thought they'd all been rounded up and taken to Sunnydale. No, obviously both the Watchers and the First Evil missed some. Maybe they couldn't find them because they were too cheesy. "One girl in all the world, chosen to be - the Cheddar..." And any idea where to find the rest? Any idea what'll happen? Sod it, let's do it anyway, with no thought or consideration or back-up plan.
* Caleb dies, just like that. After just having been powered up by the First Evil. After he spent several highly enjoyable episodes kicking seven shades of sparkling shite out of Buffy, robbing Xander of his eye, killing Slayerettes left right and centre - and Buffy gets hold of a big axe and chops him in half. Bollocks. The fact that she doesn't take him at all seriously and quips all over the show while she kills him makes it insulting bollocks.
* The ubervamps. Thousands of them. When just ONE kicked seven shades of sparkling shite out of Buffy earlier on in the season - several times. And suddenly Buffy, Faith, Spike and a few under-trained Slayers can take them all on. Even Wood and Giles look good against them upstairs - and this time the ubervamps have swords. WHAT RUBBISH.
* It just felt like they spent so long setting up the First and the u ubervamps and Caleb - the whole demon army poised to end the world - as the ultimate Big Bad ("How will Buffy stop THESE guys, True Believers?") - and then realised with two episodes to go that they'd written themselves into a corner. "Fuuuuck... how DOES she stop them?" "Don't look at us, we've been making this up as we go along..."). Arc plot? Arse plot.
* The effect the amulet has. It blasts a huge whole in the ceiling, letting the wearer become a sunlight conduit, coincidentally killnig Spike (after a long time - if it's going to take that long for the sunlight to toast him, why let it kill him at all?). Christ, it's like the amulet was invented for That One Purpose Alone - killing a cave full of vampires while tragically taking out the user. Almost as if It Was Planned. Oh, GOD this is bad. Someone make my brain stop bleeding.
* Yet another miraculous recovery by Summers. Takes a sword through the back. Lies there for a while, gasping. Gets up unsteadily, bliking through the pain. I can take all this, no problem, it's what heroic fantasy narratives live on. Then she's suddenly fighting normally again, and then jumping over badly CGIed collapsing buildings to overtake and jump onto A MOVING VEHICLE. How? Even Slayers don't heal that fast. She never has before. Oh, crap, it's Buffy's version of Hulk Hogan's 'superman' schtick, isn't it? Nooooo...
* They've stopped the First Evil! They've sealed the Hellmouth! Forever! NO YOU HAVEN'T, TWATS. You've just buried it under a town. Again. It didn't stop the Master getting out, and it won't stop the denizens of the Hellmouth - which, by the way, is a spacially-fixed portal to a hell dimension, as set up in previous seasons, not an actual door where you can wedge a fucking chair under the handle. And it especially won't stop the incorporeal First Evil - who doesn't even warrant a kick-ass payoff scene as a defeat. After Summers does her 'superman' bit, we never see the First Evil again. So the Big Bad's not defeated, you've destroyed the town, empowered a bunch of adolescent strangers all over the world with the power to kill anything they want, and lost a bunch of replaceable teenagers and one central character doing it.
* Personal peeve - but STOP SAYING YOU KILLED ANGEL, Summers! Firstly, he's already dead, Intellect Girl. Secondly, Jesus, you'd think that eight years of slaying vampires would have made her realise that you can't destroy a vampire by stabbing it through the chest with a steel sword. The whole point of the season finale in S2 was that only Angel's blood could close the portal to hell. All (all?) she did was send her boyfriend to hell for a century or so. He wasn't brought back to unlife, idiot, he was brought back to Earth. Madder than a box of frogs for a while, but in one piece, and as alive as the undead get.
Yes, the S7 finale was competently directed. What else do you expect from Whedon? He's not exactly an untalented director. But that's all you got. The rest was bilge.
Such a poor way to end what was one of the most vibrant and exciting genre series on TV. And Whedon's taken responsibility for it, so we all know who to blame. Kali was right two years ago. They should have finished it at the end of S5, when Buffy the character died. Instead, they spent two more years killing Buffy the show. |