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Just being silly..

21:13 / 18.12.03
Ok.. as mentioned in the subject line, this is kinda silly, but bare with me, eh? I have always had this urge to be creative ya know, boosted by this paranoid android chic anyways, I can`t seem to find an outlet for it. I mean, I have dabbled in magick,(with very interesting results so far)which is a form of creative outlet.. but I want something more.. I wanna write, create a comic.. whatever.. so, considering the fact that this community is a collection of some very interesting individuals , I kinda hoped ya could help me out.. anything would help really; ruthless bashing of my general lazyassism, tips for starting writing.. anything that could boost my creative urge enough to actually DO something.. thanks..
Jack Fear
21:54 / 18.12.03
Raymond Chandler's advice: when you are stuck in your story, have two men walk through the door with guns.

You can begin literally anywhere. Open a newspaper and stab a pin into the page at random. Take the event or situation described there as a springboard.

Ideas are everywhere: what you have to do is decide that you will see this through. It's really nothing more than sheer bloody-minded determination.

You want to get started? Okay.

Two or more people are involved in a commercial transaction of some kind--maybe something legal, maybe something unsavory. There is a disagreement. There are words. Feelings turn ugly. One or more of the parties draws a weapon.

There's you set-up. Fill in the blanks--who are these people, where are they, what's the deal--and you've got a premise.

Now run with it.
the Fool
22:09 / 18.12.03
I find going for a walk is a good springboard for ideas. I live in one of the oldest suburbs of Melbourne (which isn't very old by european standards) and its got its own character and flavour. I get ideas for stories just imagining the histories of the buildings and the people who live/lived in them. I tend to throw in a odd murder just to spice things up, too much call of cthulhu for my own good really...
12:03 / 19.12.03
thanks guys.. the flow is slowly openening up .. ok ive got this idea, it looks like an idea anyway, a kinda collaborative writing project.. heres the deal.. we take some characters(or anything really) from popular(or unpopular for that matter) culture; films, comics, books, film stars, authors.. you name it.. and we throw them into a universe, also based on pop culture.. ok, this idea might need some polishing but, anyone game?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
07:30 / 20.12.03
Dunno much about pop culture and not too keen on trying to write using established characters, but if you just want to try a collaborative writing project where perhaps each person bungs in a couple of hundred words then I'd be game for that. It'd have to be in the new year though.
22:02 / 20.12.03
that sounds fine..not to critical on this one..just want to get my ball(hmmm)rolling..thought that maybe a collaborative writing project was the way to, you got any other ideas?
04:11 / 23.12.03
ok..heres the deal, if anyone`s interested.. lets make a book-thingy with the title "Where I lost my tongue-the pop-up monologues".. we each write a chapter or five.. begin wherever you like.. i know, really patethic, using you poor lither`s because im to damn lazy to get cracking on my own.. anyone game?
ibis the being
18:26 / 23.12.03
One way to exercise your writing muscles is to pick a book, passage, or author that you admire - start writing any kind of short fiction or poem with the book open beside you, trying to emulate their voice but not actually copying their words. Write a paragraph - read a paragraph - and so on. Of course you ultimately want to develop your own style, but this is a good exercise both for expanding your range and for just uncorking when when your creative flow is jammed, as you've said yours is. It was recommended to me by a short story writer who has a lovely unique style - it's something she does when she's in need of new ideas.
18:44 / 23.12.03
the best way i found to exercise my creative muscles is to just stroke it repeatedly for about 30 seconds and then with a powerful discharge, the i deas come out
Harold Washington died for you
02:58 / 24.12.03
Have you tried drugs? They always helped me in the past when they weren't hurting me.

Take a few shots of the finest vodka you can afford, snort smoke or inject your favorite naughty stuff, and do not - DO NOT get up from the desk until you've gone into the writing zone(lost track of time) at least once. Keep doing that and you'll get hooked...on something.
20:41 / 26.12.03
I find that with me, it's like I'm an input output machine and the more input I have the more creative I am, you could try reading a lot of the type of stuff that you want to write, or generally just absorbing things that you think might inspire you.
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