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Happy Christmas Barbelith and the perils of Christmas Card makeage.

22:09 / 17.12.03
I wish you Happy Christmas.

You know, this Lino print totalled me 13 finger cuts - where I slipped and drove the lino cutting tool into my right hand.

And given that I made 60 cards and that each card passed my through my hand 12 times (not including writing, envelope addressing and stamping) it means that I spent *does quick bit of maths* 720 card specific moments on something that people will in the main glance at, hang on the wall and then ditch very soon.


Why did I do that??

BTW, the random dotty bits are blue-green glitter. Yes glitter, come on! You know it rocks.
the Fool
22:51 / 17.12.03
Its very pretty, and hopefully the people who get the card will realise the pain and suffering you endured to bring each card into existence. If not, I say ring them and demand gifts and free alcohol for their lack of love!!!
23:30 / 17.12.03
Yes, or as someone very lovely and close to me says: 'If they don't like it, they're an ungrateful git!"
Kit-Cat Club
07:53 / 18.12.03
Oh, lovely.

I like lino-cutting myself (my mother did all her cards, invitations, announcements of babies etc. with lino-cuts when she was young and before she became obsessed with dolls'-houses). I still have a scar at the base of my left thumb as a result of slipping while I was making a large and elaborate lino-cut of an osprey for my GCSEs ten years ago (that's ten years ago for God's sake).

Did you use several blocks?
09:09 / 18.12.03
Oulabelle: That's lovely. I am too lazy and untalented to send you one in return but if I did it would have tropical animals and rainblows on it.

KCC: Knowing you as I do, I am surprised that an educational instution allowed you to handle sharp instruments. Next thing you'll be trying to juggle.
Kit-Cat Club
09:20 / 18.12.03
Are you suggesting, sir, that I might be a little less than perfectly co-ordinated? I resent that.

I can't deny it, but I can resent it...

Anyway, surely it doesn't matter if one is a little cack-handed if the results are good. I am inspired to follow Olulabelle's example and I'm going to go home and break out the craft knives...
09:28 / 18.12.03

"Blood Over Portsmouth: A Christmas Tradegy"
Kit-Cat Club
10:00 / 18.12.03
Well, there certainly will be blood over Portsmouth if you carry on in that vein, old chap. And it won't be mine!!

(Actually, it probably will, owing to immense incompetence and poor aim on my part, but let us pass over that)
13:57 / 18.12.03
it's so pretty!

I bought all the supplies I'd need to make my own holiday cards and a few gifts, too. however, I managed to make only two cards and zero gifts. I can DEFINITELY appreciate all the work you put into those!
12:46 / 06.12.06
Anyone making greetings cards this year?

I like to make cards, although I tend to make Happy 2007 (or whatever year) cards instead of Christmas cards, since then if I don't finish them in time, they are still valid.

I tend to make collages out of random things and do not always stick to very festive themes.

Anyway, I need some inspiration, so if anyone has any cool ideas or pictures of cards they have made, then post them here.
06:16 / 07.12.06
I am making some again. This year I am drawing a picture, scanning it, printing it and decorating it with glitter and stuff. I'll post it here when I'm finished.
08:19 / 07.12.06
Sounds safer than using lino at least, unless glitter is somehow extremely dangerous!
09:16 / 21.12.06
My cards now contain snowmen, covered in fishnet, with words for arms.
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