I'm thinking about writing some short essay thing on my blog about the quick coalescence of the "internet dialect". You have it in English ("sux", "roolz", "d00d", s3x0r... I'm not that familiar with the English variety), but there's the Portuguese equivalent, which is rich, variegated and very irritating. They change the last "o" in every word for "u"; imitate babytalk with a profusion of "x"s and "k"s... it's like looking at a terrifying new continent. And it must be like this with every language.
But I'm short of resources. Could you people point me to articles you might have seen on the net, reports and so on, stuff that I could read that could help me get a better grasp of this phenomenon? Also, any theorical work on linguistic transformation would be nice. And of course, if you want to talk about the subject, your input in this thread would be greatly appreciated. |