Uh, have you thought about this at all? That's just like eating five meals at once. You might think it's a good idea, but you're gonna vomit. In essence, if they did what you suggested, they'd bring the character practically full circle and be in a similar situation to the comics (ie, no-one can write it, without rehashing things that have been done before, again and again... and it's pointless to carry on, for the most part).
I'm glad they're taking time to let the character - and story - breathe and develop, rather than just chucking everything in at once and hoping it works. I mean, give them a break man, this is only the second movie. And I want to see a movie where Ock is the baddie. I mean, basically with these movies, they're going to re-hash the best stories from Spidey history, and that's fine really. You know what's gonna happen, but damn if you ain't gonna have some fun! It worked in the cartoons...
Cos to be honest, compared to what you're worried about happening, to what you'd like to happen... I know which one makes more sense. And playing out a whole franchise in one movie to sustain your interest ain't it. It's not just about the villains, dude. More does not = better. And it looks like they're continuing all the little sub plots from the first film... come on! The drama! The best friends = enemies!!! angle, all a that. So don't worry. I'm sure it's gonna be fine. |