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What did you learn today?


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Baz Auckland
04:17 / 18.12.03
I think I've learned today that whenever faced with the decision to go out or not, the right decision is always: GO! Weeeeee!
Kit-Cat Club
08:35 / 18.12.03
But I think both tales are true, because surely the reason the house is on the mushrooms is to stop the mice getting into the granary... That's what I learnt at the Weald & Downland Farm Museum, at any rate.
Cat Chant
10:29 / 18.12.03
I learned that the correct response to people loudly condemning *NSYNC slash is "Don't harsh my sparkle".
Bill Posters
11:07 / 18.12.03
i learned to take great care when accepting a light from someone with a supercharged Zippo, for last night I lost many of my left eyelashes and a small portion of my left eyebrow in doing just this. (Any Zippo execs reading this, rest assured, you will be hearing from my legal people very shortly.) So anyway, here I sit, hungover as hell and occasionally having to pull my right eye open manually 'cos the burned lashes have gone all gooey and keep sticking together. Bah.
Bed Head
12:13 / 18.12.03
Kit-Cat Club: But I think both tales are true, because surely...

er, yeah! That's what I meant to say. But I tripped over all those stupid words and made a barbe-fool of myself.
Kit-Cat Club
12:23 / 18.12.03
No, I am the barbefool... I am so totally festively exhausted that I can't read anything and make sense of it today...
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
13:38 / 18.12.03
How does one supercharge one's Zippo, Bill? I have overfilled one before resulting in a rather nasty chemical burn on my leg, but I have never been able to get one to give me more than a regular sized flame.
Bill Posters
14:10 / 18.12.03
i dunno, the thing just went off like a fucking flamethrower. I just assumed he'd somehow fuel-injected it. I was too temporarily blinded to pay all that much attention, to be honest, and technical stuff never was my thing.
14:39 / 18.12.03
Today I've learned that I really am getting too old to drink this much.

But it's my work Christmas party tonight and I suspect I'll have to learn the same lesson all over again tomorrow.
ibis the being
14:39 / 18.12.03
Today I learned that Image-Googling "outkast," "dre outkast," and "dre big boi" all yield a surprisingly and disappointingly low number of good photos. Boo.
20:25 / 18.12.03
ahh... thanks ibis! Google image-searching last night, I learned that nobody takes grabs of scenery and architecture from anime or manga. Plenty of characters, but very few of environments... buildings... streets... cities... etc... *sigh*
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
00:47 / 19.12.03
the name of that cool band the guy at work is always going on about and where to find their website (www.rockbitch...something...fuck I forgot it!) anyway something about rock bitch. guess I didn't really learn shit.

(modified) wait, shit! just learned that inkjets are better than laser jet printers for glossy paper. according to some guy here at work.
the Fool
02:50 / 19.12.03
Yesterday I learned that I wasn't really over someone I thought I was over.

Today I learned scientists have found a way to accelerate evolution via gene-splicing with cancer!

06:12 / 19.12.03
I'm, too old to wear jeans this tight anymore.
06:18 / 19.12.03
Today I learned that if you change your fictionsuit name to something stupid you have to wait a month before you can change it back.
21:03 / 24.12.03
I learned it's hard to convey the idea of a zebra without accidentally conveying the idea of a tiger in pictionary if you don't draw well.
Brigade du jour
17:25 / 25.12.03
Today (well, yesterday, but this is my first post on 'ere) I learned that Sierra Leone is 60% Muslim, 30& indigenous religions and 10% Christian.

You never know, it may come up on Fifteen To One.
19:14 / 25.12.03
It's a Wonderful Life is still one of the best films ever made, and Martinis at 10:30am hurt later.
20:44 / 25.12.03
I learned that I can cook a fine Christmas breakfast for my family without turning into a giant ball of stress.
Jack Vincennes
21:53 / 25.12.03
Yet another Christmas related one (kind of) -if I do press-ups while drunk on ale, in order to prove that it is possible for me to do press-ups while drunk on ale, I will still be in pain fully 48 hours later...

Henceforth, I will try to learn by research rather than by drunken idiocy.
Tryphena Absent
00:07 / 26.12.03
Today I learnt that I can win Trivial Pursuit when playing against four people, that Leone means Lion, that the North of Germany is washed by the Baltic and North Seas and contraceptives came free on the NHS for the first time in 1961.
eye landed
10:50 / 26.12.03
Today I learned that in the United States of America, one may not have an armed guard if one is a felon.

Pity for hip-hop artists.
14:37 / 26.12.03
Today I learnt the it's amazing what you can do to mild steel with a blow-torch, file, and drill.
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:00 / 26.12.03
today i learnt that you shouldn't drink milk when you have a cold.


and that "it is the US which is now, as the defunct USSR was decades ago, the subversive agent of a world revolution."

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