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Futurama Season 4 on dvd

20:03 / 13.12.03
It's really lovely...

And it's better than the simpsons. More emotinal core you see.

You heard me.

Fry and leela, the nibblonians, the fantastic star trek episode (Khaaaaaaaaaaan), the prof ("booya!") an arc ( not b5 level, but still...), and of course the might and right of Bender. A loving commentary and eegs and special animated screens and everything. Well worth thirty quiud if you have a dvd player.

And D.X.Cohen's voice is strangely interesting...

Ands thise who think otherwise, can obviously "bit my shiny metal ass..."
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
21:07 / 13.12.03
I'm so jealous. We're only volume two here on the "Big Island" as I (and I only I) like to call it. The emotional core is definitely turned up several notches towards the end of this fantastic show:

Fry's Brother.
Fry's Stars.
Fry's Dog.
Leela's Family.

Great use of music too.
It went before its time.
22:35 / 13.12.03
I agree. I love Simpsons in its own way, but I wholeheartedly prefer the wit and shtuff of Futurama.

I'm not sure if this has ever been discussed here or otherwise, but over time, I came to see Futurama as an allegory for life through Freudian archetypes. The Planet Express team Has Id(Bender), Superego/Anima(Leela), and Ego/Self(Fry). Consider the IDEA of a Robot Devil! And the self-acceptance of The Why of Fry episode. While Simpsons is the view out onto the world, Futurama is looking down into it.

Damn I wish they'd bring it back!
00:34 / 14.12.03
Fry reminds me more of the ego, while Bender hits those supra ego tones, acceptance, self/meta knoweldge, and still self love, as evinced by the shiny gold guy ep.?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:33 / 27.02.04
Thanks to the Street Date Breaking proclivities of my local DVD merchant, I was able to snag the Season 3 box set. It's official. This show was just friggin' incredible. I'm currently working my way through the entire series but after just a brief glance at S3, it's become clear that the Professor is the show's comedic lynchpin. To wit:

Leela: Now remember, Bender is Santa, so we don't have to shoot him, okay Professor?
Professor: Yes, yes. Stop talking!

Bender emerges from the chimney.

Bender: Ho ho --


The Professor has shot Bender with a shotgun he was hiding in his chair.

Leela: Professor, weren't you listening to me?
Professor: NOOOOO!


Just the way he delivers that NOOOOO! Cah-lassic.

It's up there with Bender's "LOU-DER AND SAD-DER!" from his manufactured funeral.
16:38 / 01.03.04
Oh, wait for season 4, theres more prof than ever, and theres this episode where they all get younger, and the prof, well I wont spoil it, but oh, the jive talkin' prof...
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
17:45 / 01.03.04
Politician: "It's Santa Claus! Save me, Jesus!"
Zoidberg-dressed-as-Jesus: "I help those who help themselves!"

Unfortunatly we only have Seasons 1 and 2 out here in North America. I want to kick the people who produce the DVDs so we can get the other two seasons over here.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:14 / 01.03.04
March 9th, Bard. Sooner if you live in or around New York City.

I actually misquoted up there, much to the scene's detriment. Farns actually says:

"Yes, yes. You sound like a broken MP3."


I'm going through all seasons now and it's remarkable how good even the first season is. In the jungles outside Mars University:

Fry: Wow, this is just like the jungles we used to have on Earth.
Farns: Jungles? On Earth?

It's up there with

Fry: So is Blernsball anything like 20th Century Baseball?
Farns: God forbid!

Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:16 / 01.03.04
Oh, and Bard, doesn't Zoid add a classic "Woo woo woo woo!" after the JC quote? Such a great moment.

H3ct0r L1m4
03:07 / 02.03.04
there's a chance Cartoon Network picks it up, isn't there?

and I just watched the JURASSIC BARK ep. [guess it's from the 5th and last season]. man, I'm here still cleaning the tears off my face. it's been a while since a movie [or a TV show!] had this emotional effect on me...

why did Groening allow this? it's to allocate SIMPSONS' more emo writters? it's for the Emmy? DAMN! I want to meet this guy just to punch him in the stomach.

bye, Seymour.
Brigade du jour
00:40 / 24.04.05
Zoidberg is easily my favourite character. Self-absorbed, ostracised by everyone, and he gets a lot of the best lines. Or at least the ones Bender doesn't get.

Damn, I wish you could all hear my inch-perfect impression of him as well.
Keith, like a scientist
02:05 / 24.04.05
the professor is the best.

"Sweet Zombie Jesus!"

"I'm bored! Let's go!"

Brigade du jour
21:41 / 24.04.05
Aww fuck it, they all have their moments. In fact I watched the 'Leela gets two eyes' episode again this morning and couldn't help feeling that she's my real favourite. She's sexy, confident, unafraid to kick ass should the situation demand it and a bit of a geek.

Man, I'm in love. Jessica Rabbit kind o' love.
Brigade du jour
22:42 / 24.04.05
I've just twigged it. The actress who plays Leela used to be in Married With Children and I always fancied her in that because she reminded me of Kate Pierson from The B-52s.
06:20 / 25.04.05
I've just twigged it. The actress who plays Leela used to be in Married With Children

Brigade du jour
13:17 / 26.04.05
She's not, is she?
Benny the Ball
13:43 / 26.04.05
No she is, I think it was a DUDE as in, what really you've only just realised.

She's great. I loved her leggings in that programme.
uncle retrospective
07:49 / 22.11.07
So Bender's Big Score leaked.
It's very good, but that's what you were hoping. They crammed almost everyone in, which is great cause it's too long since I saw Hypnotoad.
I'm not sure how it's going to go down with the viewing public though, they've kept the storytelling at the expense of the jokes and the plot is a real mind bender (no pun intended). But god damn it's good to have the gang back.

I'm keeping it vauge cause I don't want to spoil this.
11:23 / 22.11.07
I saw it yesterday, and it was great. I thought they managed the transition to a 90 minute show really well.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
22:15 / 02.12.07
I still thought it was pretty fun, Bender's Big Score, though I really did love the emphasis on the story over cheap laughs. Mostly-- the opening scene is great! I'm sad to say that I guessed the secret plot twist after about forty minutes, though....
eye landed
18:45 / 04.12.07
good to see a futurama love-fest!

The actress who plays Leela used to be in Married With Children

note the married with children parody in the cyclops episode (leelas homeworld).
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